# frozen_string_literal: true module Types # rubocop: disable Graphql/AuthorizeTypes # Authorization is in the resolver based on the parent project module Ci class JobTokenScopeType < BaseObject graphql_name 'CiJobTokenScopeType' field :projects, Types::ProjectType.connection_type, null: false, description: 'Allow list of projects that can be accessed by CI Job tokens created by this project.', method: :outbound_projects, deprecated: { reason: 'The `projects` attribute is being deprecated. Use `outbound_allowlist`', milestone: '15.9' } field :outbound_allowlist, Types::ProjectType.connection_type, null: false, description: "Allow list of projects that are accessible using the current project's CI Job tokens.", method: :outbound_projects field :inbound_allowlist, Types::ProjectType.connection_type, null: false, description: "Allow list of projects that can access the current project through its CI Job tokens.", method: :inbound_projects end end # rubocop: enable Graphql/AuthorizeTypes end