module NotificationsHelper include IconsHelper def notification_icon_class(level) case level.to_sym when :disabled 'microphone-slash' when :participating 'volume-up' when :watch 'eye' when :mention 'at' when :global 'globe' end end def notification_icon(level, text = nil) icon("#{notification_icon_class(level)} fw", text: text) end def notification_title(level) case level.to_sym when :participating 'Participate' when :mention 'On mention' else level.to_s.titlecase end end def notification_description(level) case level.to_sym when :participating 'You will only receive notifications for threads you have participated in' when :mention 'You will receive notifications only for comments in which you were @mentioned' when :watch 'You will receive notifications for any activity' when :disabled 'You will not get any notifications via email' when :global 'Use your global notification setting' when :custom 'You will only receive notifications for the events you choose' end end def notification_list_item(level, setting) title = notification_title(level) data = { notification_level: level, notification_title: title } content_tag(:li, role: "menuitem") do link_to '#', class: "update-notification #{('is-active' if setting.level == level)}", data: data do link_output = content_tag(:strong, title, class: 'dropdown-menu-inner-title') link_output << content_tag(:span, notification_description(level), class: 'dropdown-menu-inner-content') end end end # Identifier to trigger individually dropdowns and custom settings modals in the same view def notifications_menu_identifier(type, notification_setting) "#{type}-#{notification_setting.user_id}-#{notification_setting.source_id}-#{notification_setting.source_type}" end # Create hidden field to send notification setting source to controller def hidden_setting_source_input(notification_setting) return unless notification_setting.source_type hidden_field_tag "#{notification_setting.source_type.downcase}[id]", notification_setting.source_id end end