# frozen_string_literal: true module WebpackHelper include ViteHelper def prefetch_link_tag(source) href = asset_path(source) link_tag = tag.link(rel: 'prefetch', href: href) early_hints_link = "<#{href}>; rel=prefetch" request.send_early_hints("Link" => early_hints_link) link_tag end def webpack_bundle_tag(bundle) if vite_running vite_javascript_tag bundle else javascript_include_tag(*webpack_entrypoint_paths(bundle)) end end def webpack_preload_asset_tag(asset, options = {}) path = Gitlab::Webpack::Manifest.asset_paths(asset).first if options.delete(:prefetch) prefetch_link_tag(path) else preload_link_tag(path, options) end rescue Gitlab::Webpack::Manifest::AssetMissingError # In development/test, incremental compilation may be enabled, meaning not # all chunks may be available/split out raise unless Gitlab.dev_or_test_env? end def webpack_controller_bundle_tags return if Feature.enabled?(:vite) && !Rails.env.test? chunks = [] action = case controller.action_name when 'create' then 'new' when 'update' then 'edit' else controller.action_name end route = [*controller.controller_path.split('/'), action].compact until chunks.any? || route.empty? entrypoint = "pages.#{route.join('.')}" begin chunks = webpack_entrypoint_paths(entrypoint, extension: 'js') rescue Gitlab::Webpack::Manifest::AssetMissingError # no bundle exists for this path end route.pop end if chunks.empty? chunks = webpack_entrypoint_paths("default", extension: 'js') end javascript_include_tag(*chunks) end def webpack_entrypoint_paths(source, extension: nil, exclude_duplicates: true) return "" unless source.present? paths = Gitlab::Webpack::Manifest.entrypoint_paths(source) if extension paths.select! { |p| p.ends_with? ".#{extension}" } end force_host = webpack_public_host if force_host paths.map! { |p| "#{force_host}#{p}" } end if exclude_duplicates @used_paths ||= [] new_paths = paths - @used_paths @used_paths += new_paths new_paths else paths end end def webpack_public_host # We proxy webpack output in 'test' and 'dev' environment, so we can just use asset_host ActionController::Base.asset_host.try(:chomp, '/') end def webpack_public_path relative_path = Gitlab.config.gitlab.relative_url_root webpack_path = Gitlab.config.webpack.public_path File.join(webpack_public_host.to_s, relative_path.to_s, webpack_path.to_s, '') end end