# frozen_string_literal: true class AuditEvent < ApplicationRecord include CreatedAtFilterable include IgnorableColumns include BulkInsertSafe PARALLEL_PERSISTENCE_COLUMNS = [:author_name, :entity_path].freeze ignore_column :updated_at, remove_with: '13.4', remove_after: '2020-09-22' serialize :details, Hash # rubocop:disable Cop/ActiveRecordSerialize belongs_to :user, foreign_key: :author_id validates :author_id, presence: true validates :entity_id, presence: true validates :entity_type, presence: true scope :by_entity_type, -> (entity_type) { where(entity_type: entity_type) } scope :by_entity_id, -> (entity_id) { where(entity_id: entity_id) } scope :by_author_id, -> (author_id) { where(author_id: author_id) } after_initialize :initialize_details # Note: The intention is to remove this once refactoring of AuditEvent # has proceeded further. # # See further details in the epic: # https://gitlab.com/groups/gitlab-org/-/epics/2765 after_validation :parallel_persist def self.order_by(method) case method.to_s when 'created_asc' order(id: :asc) else order(id: :desc) end end def initialize_details self.details = {} if details.nil? end def author_name lazy_author.name end def formatted_details details.merge(details.slice(:from, :to).transform_values(&:to_s)) end def lazy_author BatchLoader.for(author_id).batch(default_value: default_author_value) do |author_ids, loader| User.where(id: author_ids).find_each do |user| loader.call(user.id, user) end end end private def default_author_value ::Gitlab::Audit::NullAuthor.for(author_id, (self[:author_name] || details[:author_name])) end def parallel_persist PARALLEL_PERSISTENCE_COLUMNS.each { |col| self[col] = details[col] } end end AuditEvent.prepend_if_ee('EE::AuditEvent')