# This module takes care of updating cache columns for Markdown-containing # fields. Use like this in the body of your class: # # include CacheMarkdownField # cache_markdown_field :foo # cache_markdown_field :bar # cache_markdown_field :baz, pipeline: :single_line # # Corresponding foo_html, bar_html and baz_html fields should exist. module CacheMarkdownField # Knows about the relationship between markdown and html field names, and # stores the rendering contexts for the latter class FieldData extend Forwardable def initialize @data = {} end def_delegators :@data, :[], :[]= def_delegator :@data, :keys, :markdown_fields def html_field(markdown_field) "#{markdown_field}_html" end def html_fields markdown_fields.map {|field| html_field(field) } end end # Dynamic registries don't really work in Rails as it's not guaranteed that # every class will be loaded, so hardcode the list. CACHING_CLASSES = %w[ AbuseReport Appearance ApplicationSetting BroadcastMessage Issue Label MergeRequest Milestone Namespace Note Project Release Snippet ] def self.caching_classes CACHING_CLASSES.map(&:constantize) end def skip_project_check? false end extend ActiveSupport::Concern included do cattr_reader :cached_markdown_fields do FieldData.new end # Returns the default Banzai render context for the cached markdown field. def banzai_render_context(field) raise ArgumentError.new("Unknown field: #{field.inspect}") unless cached_markdown_fields.markdown_fields.include?(field) # Always include a project key, or Banzai complains project = self.project if self.respond_to?(:project) context = cached_markdown_fields[field].merge(project: project) # Banzai is less strict about authors, so don't always have an author key context[:author] = self.author if self.respond_to?(:author) context end # Allow callers to look up the cache field name, rather than hardcoding it def markdown_cache_field_for(field) raise ArgumentError.new("Unknown field: #{field}") unless cached_markdown_fields.markdown_fields.include?(field) cached_markdown_fields.html_field(field) end # Always exclude _html fields from attributes (including serialization). # They contain unredacted HTML, which would be a security issue alias_method :attributes_before_markdown_cache, :attributes def attributes attrs = attributes_before_markdown_cache cached_markdown_fields.html_fields.each do |field| attrs.delete(field) end attrs end end class_methods do private # Specify that a field is markdown. Its rendered output will be cached in # a corresponding _html field. Any custom rendering options may be provided # as a context. def cache_markdown_field(markdown_field, context = {}) raise "Add #{self} to CacheMarkdownField::CACHING_CLASSES" unless CacheMarkdownField::CACHING_CLASSES.include?(self.to_s) cached_markdown_fields[markdown_field] = context html_field = cached_markdown_fields.html_field(markdown_field) cache_method = "#{markdown_field}_cache_refresh".to_sym invalidation_method = "#{html_field}_invalidated?".to_sym define_method(cache_method) do options = { skip_project_check: skip_project_check? } html = Banzai::Renderer.cacheless_render_field(self, markdown_field, options) __send__("#{html_field}=", html) true end # The HTML becomes invalid if any dependent fields change. For now, assume # author and project invalidate the cache in all circumstances. define_method(invalidation_method) do changed_fields = changed_attributes.keys invalidations = changed_fields & [markdown_field.to_s, "author", "project"] !invalidations.empty? end before_save cache_method, if: invalidation_method end end end