# frozen_string_literal: true module Integrations module HasIssueTrackerFields extend ActiveSupport::Concern included do self.field_storage = :data_fields field :project_url, required: true, title: -> { _('Project URL') }, help: -> do s_('IssueTracker|The URL to the project in the external issue tracker.') end field :issues_url, required: true, title: -> { s_('IssueTracker|Issue URL') }, help: -> do ERB::Util.html_escape( s_('IssueTracker|The URL to view an issue in the external issue tracker. Must contain %{colon_id}.') ) % { colon_id: ':id'.html_safe } end field :new_issue_url, required: true, title: -> { s_('IssueTracker|New issue URL') }, help: -> do s_('IssueTracker|The URL to create an issue in the external issue tracker.') end end end end