# frozen_string_literal: true module TokenAuthenticatableStrategies class Base attr_reader :klass, :token_field, :options def initialize(klass, token_field, options) @klass = klass @token_field = token_field @expires_at_field = "#{token_field}_expires_at" @options = options end def find_token_authenticatable(instance, unscoped = false) raise NotImplementedError end def get_token(instance) raise NotImplementedError end def set_token(instance, token) raise NotImplementedError end def token_fields result = [token_field] result << @expires_at_field if expirable? result end # If a `format_with_prefix` option is provided, it applies and returns the formatted token. # Otherwise, default implementation returns the token as-is def format_token(instance, token) prefix = prefix_for(instance) prefixed_token = prefix ? "#{prefix}#{token}" : token instance.send("format_#{@token_field}", prefixed_token) # rubocop:disable GitlabSecurity/PublicSend end def ensure_token(instance) write_new_token(instance) unless token_set?(instance) get_token(instance) end # Returns a token, but only saves when the database is in read & write mode def ensure_token!(instance) reset_token!(instance) unless token_set?(instance) get_token(instance) end # Resets the token, but only saves when the database is in read & write mode def reset_token!(instance) write_new_token(instance) instance.save! if Gitlab::Database.read_write? end def expires_at(instance) instance.read_attribute(@expires_at_field) end def expired?(instance) return false unless expirable? && token_expiration_enforced? exp = expires_at(instance) !!exp && exp.past? end def expirable? !!@options[:expires_at] end def token_with_expiration(instance) API::Support::TokenWithExpiration.new(self, instance) end def self.fabricate(model, field, options) if options[:digest] && options[:encrypted] raise ArgumentError, _('Incompatible options set!') end if options[:digest] TokenAuthenticatableStrategies::Digest.new(model, field, options) elsif options[:encrypted] TokenAuthenticatableStrategies::Encrypted.new(model, field, options) else TokenAuthenticatableStrategies::Insecure.new(model, field, options) end end protected def prefix_for(instance) case prefix_option = options[:format_with_prefix] when nil nil when Symbol instance.send(prefix_option) # rubocop:disable GitlabSecurity/PublicSend else raise NotImplementedError end end def write_new_token(instance) new_token = generate_available_token formatted_token = format_token(instance, new_token) set_token(instance, formatted_token) if expirable? instance[@expires_at_field] = @options[:expires_at].to_proc.call(instance) end end def unique @options.fetch(:unique, true) end def generate_available_token loop do token = generate_token break token unless unique && find_token_authenticatable(token, true) end end def generate_token @options[:token_generator] ? @options[:token_generator].call : Devise.friendly_token end def relation(unscoped) unscoped ? @klass.unscoped : @klass.where(not_expired) end def token_set?(instance) raise NotImplementedError end def token_expiration_enforced? return true unless @options[:expiration_enforced?] @options[:expiration_enforced?].to_proc.call(@klass) end def not_expired Arel.sql("#{@expires_at_field} IS NULL OR #{@expires_at_field} >= NOW()") if expirable? && token_expiration_enforced? end end end