# frozen_string_literal: true class GpgKey < ApplicationRecord KEY_PREFIX = '-----BEGIN PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK-----' KEY_SUFFIX = '-----END PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK-----' include ShaAttribute sha_attribute :primary_keyid sha_attribute :fingerprint belongs_to :user has_many :gpg_signatures has_many :subkeys, class_name: 'GpgKeySubkey' scope :with_subkeys, -> { includes(:subkeys) } validates :user, presence: true validates :key, presence: true, uniqueness: true, format: { with: /\A#{KEY_PREFIX}((?!#{KEY_PREFIX})(?!#{KEY_SUFFIX}).)+#{KEY_SUFFIX}\Z/mo, message: "is invalid. A valid public GPG key begins with '#{KEY_PREFIX}' and ends with '#{KEY_SUFFIX}'" } validates :fingerprint, presence: true, uniqueness: true, # only validate when the `key` is valid, as we don't want the user to show # the error about the fingerprint unless: -> { errors.has_key?(:key) } validates :primary_keyid, presence: true, uniqueness: true, # only validate when the `key` is valid, as we don't want the user to show # the error about the fingerprint unless: -> { errors.has_key?(:key) } before_validation :extract_fingerprint, :extract_primary_keyid after_create :generate_subkeys after_commit :update_invalid_gpg_signatures, on: :create def primary_keyid super&.upcase end alias_method :keyid, :primary_keyid def fingerprint super&.upcase end def key=(value) super(value&.strip) end def keyids [keyid].concat(subkeys.map(&:keyid)) end def user_infos @user_infos ||= Gitlab::Gpg.user_infos_from_key(key) end def verified_user_infos user_infos.select do |user_info| user.verified_email?(user_info[:email]) end end def emails_with_verified_status user_infos.to_h do |user_info| [ user_info[:email], user.verified_email?(user_info[:email]) ] end end def verified? emails_with_verified_status.values.any? end def verified_and_belongs_to_email?(email) emails_with_verified_status.fetch(email.downcase, false) end def update_invalid_gpg_signatures InvalidGpgSignatureUpdateWorker.perform_async(self.id) end def revoke CommitSignatures::GpgSignature .with_key_and_subkeys(self) .where.not(verification_status: CommitSignatures::GpgSignature.verification_statuses[:unknown_key]) .update_all( gpg_key_id: nil, gpg_key_subkey_id: nil, verification_status: CommitSignatures::GpgSignature.verification_statuses[:unknown_key], updated_at: Time.zone.now ) destroy end private def extract_fingerprint # we can assume that the result only contains one item as the validation # only allows one key self.fingerprint = Gitlab::Gpg.fingerprints_from_key(key).first end def extract_primary_keyid # we can assume that the result only contains one item as the validation # only allows one key self.primary_keyid = Gitlab::Gpg.primary_keyids_from_key(key).first end def generate_subkeys gpg_subkeys = Gitlab::Gpg.subkeys_from_key(key) gpg_subkeys[primary_keyid]&.each do |subkey_data| subkeys.create!(keyid: subkey_data[:keyid], fingerprint: subkey_data[:fingerprint]) end end end GpgKey.prepend_mod_with('GpgKey')