# frozen_string_literal: true class WebHookLog < ApplicationRecord include SafeUrl include Presentable include DeleteWithLimit include CreatedAtFilterable include PartitionedTable OVERSIZE_REQUEST_DATA = { 'oversize' => true }.freeze self.primary_key = :id partitioned_by :created_at, strategy: :monthly, retain_for: 3.months belongs_to :web_hook serialize :request_headers, Hash # rubocop:disable Cop/ActiveRecordSerialize serialize :request_data, Hash # rubocop:disable Cop/ActiveRecordSerialize serialize :response_headers, Hash # rubocop:disable Cop/ActiveRecordSerialize validates :web_hook, presence: true before_save :obfuscate_basic_auth before_save :redact_author_email def self.recent where('created_at >= ?', 2.days.ago.beginning_of_day) .order(created_at: :desc) end # Delete a batch of log records. Returns true if there may be more remaining. def self.delete_batch_for(web_hook, batch_size:) raise ArgumentError, 'batch_size is too small' if batch_size < 1 where(web_hook: web_hook).limit(batch_size).delete_all == batch_size end def success? response_status =~ /^2/ end def internal_error? response_status == WebHookService::InternalErrorResponse::ERROR_MESSAGE end def oversize? request_data == OVERSIZE_REQUEST_DATA end private def obfuscate_basic_auth self.url = safe_url end def redact_author_email return unless self.request_data.dig('commit', 'author', 'email').present? self.request_data['commit']['author']['email'] = _('[REDACTED]') end end