# frozen_string_literal: true class LicenseTemplate PROJECT_TEMPLATE_REGEX = %r{[\<\{\[] (project|description| one\sline\s.+\swhat\sit\sdoes\.) # matching the start and end is enough here [\>\}\]]}xi YEAR_TEMPLATE_REGEX = /[<{\[](year|yyyy)[>}\]]/i FULLNAME_TEMPLATE_REGEX = %r{[\<\{\[] (fullname|name\sof\s(author|copyright\sowner)) [\>\}\]]}xi attr_reader :key, :name, :project, :category, :nickname, :url, :meta def initialize(key:, name:, project:, category:, content:, nickname: nil, url: nil, meta: {}) @key = key @name = name @project = project @category = category @content = content @nickname = nickname @url = url @meta = meta end def project_id project&.id end def popular? category == :Popular end alias_method :featured?, :popular? # Returns the text of the license def content if @content.respond_to?(:call) @content = @content.call else @content end end # Populate placeholders in the LicenseTemplate content def resolve!(project_name: nil, fullname: nil, year: Time.current.year.to_s) # Ensure the string isn't shared with any other instance of LicenseTemplate new_content = content.dup new_content.gsub!(YEAR_TEMPLATE_REGEX, year) if year.present? new_content.gsub!(PROJECT_TEMPLATE_REGEX, project_name) if project_name.present? new_content.gsub!(FULLNAME_TEMPLATE_REGEX, fullname) if fullname.present? @content = new_content self end end