# frozen_string_literal: true module Members class InvitationReminderEmailService include Gitlab::Utils::StrongMemoize attr_reader :invitation MAX_INVITATION_LIFESPAN = 14.0 REMINDER_RATIO = [2, 5, 10].freeze def initialize(invitation) @invitation = invitation end def execute return unless experiment_enabled? reminder_index = days_on_which_to_send_reminders.index(days_after_invitation_sent) return unless reminder_index invitation.send_invitation_reminder(reminder_index) end private def experiment_enabled? Gitlab::Experimentation.enabled_for_attribute?(:invitation_reminders, invitation.invite_email) end def days_after_invitation_sent (Date.today - invitation.created_at.to_date).to_i end def days_on_which_to_send_reminders # Don't send any reminders if the invitation has expired or expires today return [] if invitation.expires_at && invitation.expires_at <= Date.today # Calculate the number of days on which to send reminders based on the MAX_INVITATION_LIFESPAN and the REMINDER_RATIO REMINDER_RATIO.map { |number_of_days| ((number_of_days * invitation_lifespan_in_days) / MAX_INVITATION_LIFESPAN).ceil }.uniq end def invitation_lifespan_in_days # When the invitation lifespan is more than 14 days or does not expire, send the reminders within 14 days strong_memoize(:invitation_lifespan_in_days) do if invitation.expires_at [(invitation.expires_at - invitation.created_at.to_date).to_i, MAX_INVITATION_LIFESPAN].min else MAX_INVITATION_LIFESPAN end end end end end