# frozen_string_literal: true module Projects class DestroyService < BaseService include Gitlab::ShellAdapter DestroyError = Class.new(StandardError) BATCH_SIZE = 100 def async_execute project.update_attribute(:pending_delete, true) # Ensure no repository +deleted paths are kept, # regardless of any issue with the ProjectDestroyWorker # job process. schedule_stale_repos_removal job_id = ProjectDestroyWorker.perform_async(project.id, current_user.id, params) log_info("User #{current_user.id} scheduled destruction of project #{project.full_path} with job ID #{job_id}") end def execute return false unless can?(current_user, :remove_project, project) project.update_attribute(:pending_delete, true) # Flush the cache for both repositories. This has to be done _before_ # removing the physical repositories as some expiration code depends on # Git data (e.g. a list of branch names). flush_caches(project) ::Ci::AbortPipelinesService.new.execute(project.all_pipelines, :project_deleted) Projects::UnlinkForkService.new(project, current_user).execute attempt_destroy(project) system_hook_service.execute_hooks_for(project, :destroy) log_info("Project \"#{project.full_path}\" was deleted") current_user.invalidate_personal_projects_count true rescue StandardError => error attempt_rollback(project, error.message) false rescue Exception => error # rubocop:disable Lint/RescueException # Project.transaction can raise Exception attempt_rollback(project, error.message) raise end private def trash_project_repositories! unless remove_repository(project.repository) raise_error(s_('DeleteProject|Failed to remove project repository. Please try again or contact administrator.')) end unless remove_repository(project.wiki.repository) raise_error(s_('DeleteProject|Failed to remove wiki repository. Please try again or contact administrator.')) end end def trash_relation_repositories! unless remove_snippets raise_error(s_('DeleteProject|Failed to remove project snippets. Please try again or contact administrator.')) end end def remove_snippets response = ::Snippets::BulkDestroyService.new(current_user, project.snippets).execute response.success? end def destroy_events! unless remove_events raise_error(s_('DeleteProject|Failed to remove events. Please try again or contact administrator.')) end end def remove_events response = ::Events::DestroyService.new(project).execute response.success? end def remove_repository(repository) return true unless repository result = Repositories::DestroyService.new(repository).execute result[:status] == :success end def schedule_stale_repos_removal repos = [project.repository, project.wiki.repository] repos.each do |repository| next unless repository Repositories::ShellDestroyService.new(repository).execute(Repositories::ShellDestroyService::STALE_REMOVAL_DELAY) end end def attempt_rollback(project, message) return unless project # It's possible that the project was destroyed, but some after_commit # hook failed and caused us to end up here. A destroyed model will be a frozen hash, # which cannot be altered. project.update(delete_error: message, pending_delete: false) unless project.destroyed? log_error("Deletion failed on #{project.full_path} with the following message: #{message}") end def attempt_destroy(project) unless remove_registry_tags raise_error(s_('DeleteProject|Failed to remove some tags in project container registry. Please try again or contact administrator.')) end project.leave_pool_repository destroy_project_related_records(project) end def destroy_project_related_records(project) log_destroy_event trash_relation_repositories! trash_project_repositories! destroy_events! destroy_web_hooks! destroy_project_bots! destroy_ci_records! # Rails attempts to load all related records into memory before # destroying: https://github.com/rails/rails/issues/22510 # This ensures we delete records in batches. # # Exclude container repositories because its before_destroy would be # called multiple times, and it doesn't destroy any database records. project.destroy_dependent_associations_in_batches(exclude: [:container_repositories, :snippets]) project.destroy! end def log_destroy_event log_info("Attempting to destroy #{project.full_path} (#{project.id})") end def destroy_ci_records! project.all_pipelines.find_each(batch_size: BATCH_SIZE) do |pipeline| # rubocop: disable CodeReuse/ActiveRecord # Destroy artifacts, then builds, then pipelines # All builds have already been dropped by Ci::AbortPipelinesService, # so no Ci::Build-instantiating cancellations happen here. # https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/merge_requests/71342#note_691523196 ::Ci::DestroyPipelineService.new(project, current_user).execute(pipeline) end deleted_count = ::CommitStatus.for_project(project).delete_all Gitlab::AppLogger.info( class: 'Projects::DestroyService', project_id: project.id, message: 'leftover commit statuses', orphaned_commit_status_count: deleted_count ) end # The project can have multiple webhooks with hundreds of thousands of web_hook_logs. # By default, they are removed with "DELETE CASCADE" option defined via foreign_key. # But such queries can exceed the statement_timeout limit and fail to delete the project. # (see https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/issues/26259) # # To prevent that we use WebHooks::DestroyService. It deletes logs in batches and # produces smaller and faster queries to the database. def destroy_web_hooks! project.hooks.find_each do |web_hook| result = ::WebHooks::DestroyService.new(current_user).sync_destroy(web_hook) unless result[:status] == :success raise_error(s_('DeleteProject|Failed to remove webhooks. Please try again or contact administrator.')) end end end # The project can have multiple project bots with personal access tokens generated. # We need to remove them when a project is deleted # rubocop: disable CodeReuse/ActiveRecord def destroy_project_bots! project.members.includes(:user).references(:user).merge(User.project_bot).each do |member| Users::DestroyService.new(current_user).execute(member.user, skip_authorization: true) end end # rubocop: enable CodeReuse/ActiveRecord def remove_registry_tags return true unless Gitlab.config.registry.enabled return false unless remove_legacy_registry_tags project.container_repositories.find_each do |container_repository| service = Projects::ContainerRepository::DestroyService.new(project, current_user) service.execute(container_repository) end true end ## # This method makes sure that we correctly remove registry tags # for legacy image repository (when repository path equals project path). # def remove_legacy_registry_tags return true unless Gitlab.config.registry.enabled ::ContainerRepository.build_root_repository(project).tap do |repository| break repository.has_tags? ? repository.delete_tags! : true end end def raise_error(message) raise DestroyError, message end def flush_caches(project) Projects::ForksCountService.new(project).delete_cache end end end Projects::DestroyService.prepend_mod_with('Projects::DestroyService')