# frozen_string_literal: true # Service class for creating push event payloads as stored in the # "push_event_payloads" table. # # Example: # # data = Gitlab::DataBuilder::Push.build(...) # event = Event.create(...) # # PushEventPayloadService.new(event, data).execute class PushEventPayloadService # event - The event this push payload belongs to. # push_data - A Hash produced by `Gitlab::DataBuilder::Push.build` to use for # building the push payload. def initialize(event, push_data) @event = event @push_data = push_data end # Creates and returns a new PushEventPayload row. # # This method will raise upon encountering validation errors. # # Returns an instance of PushEventPayload. def execute @event.build_push_event_payload( commit_count: commit_count, action: action, ref_type: ref_type, commit_from: commit_from_id, commit_to: commit_to_id, ref: trimmed_ref, commit_title: commit_title, event_id: @event.id ) @event.push_event_payload.save! @event.push_event_payload end # Returns the commit title to use. # # The commit title is limited to the first line and a maximum of 70 # characters. def commit_title commit = @push_data.fetch(:commits).last return nil unless commit && commit[:message] raw_msg = commit[:message] # Find where the first line ends, without turning the entire message into an # Array of lines (this is a waste of memory for large commit messages). index = raw_msg.index("\n") message = index ? raw_msg[0..index] : raw_msg message.strip.truncate(70) end def commit_from_id if create? nil else revision_before end end def commit_to_id if remove? nil else revision_after end end def commit_count @push_data.fetch(:total_commits_count) end def ref @push_data.fetch(:ref) end def revision_before @push_data.fetch(:before) end def revision_after @push_data.fetch(:after) end def trimmed_ref Gitlab::Git.ref_name(ref) end def create? Gitlab::Git.blank_ref?(revision_before) end def remove? Gitlab::Git.blank_ref?(revision_after) end def action if create? :created elsif remove? :removed else :pushed end end def ref_type if Gitlab::Git.tag_ref?(ref) :tag else :branch end end end