# frozen_string_literal: true class GitlabUploader < CarrierWave::Uploader::Base include ContentTypeWhitelist::Concern class_attribute :options PROTECTED_METHODS = %i(filename cache_dir work_dir store_dir).freeze ObjectNotReadyError = Class.new(StandardError) class << self # DSL setter def storage_options(options) self.options = options end def root options.storage_path end # represent the directory namespacing at the class level def base_dir options.fetch('base_dir', '') end def file_storage? storage == CarrierWave::Storage::File end def absolute_path(upload_record) File.join(root, upload_record.path) end end storage_options Gitlab.config.uploads delegate :base_dir, :file_storage?, to: :class before :cache, :protect_from_path_traversal! def initialize(model, mounted_as = nil, **uploader_context) super(model, mounted_as) end def file_cache_storage? cache_storage.is_a?(CarrierWave::Storage::File) end def move_to_cache file_storage? end def move_to_store file_storage? end def exists? file.present? end def cache_dir File.join(root, base_dir, 'tmp/cache') end def work_dir File.join(root, base_dir, 'tmp/work') end def filename super || file&.filename end def relative_path return path if pathname.relative? pathname.relative_path_from(Pathname.new(root)) end def model_valid? !!model end def local_url File.join('/', self.class.base_dir, dynamic_segment, filename) end def cached_size size end def open stream = if file_storage? File.open(path, "rb") if path else ::Gitlab::HttpIO.new(url, cached_size) if url end return unless stream return stream unless block_given? begin yield(stream) ensure stream.close end end # Used to replace an existing upload with another +file+ without modifying stored metadata # Use this method only to repair/replace an existing upload, or to upload to a Geo secondary node # # @param [CarrierWave::SanitizedFile] file that will replace existing upload # @return CarrierWave::SanitizedFile def replace_file_without_saving!(file) raise ArgumentError, 'should be a CarrierWave::SanitizedFile' unless file.is_a? CarrierWave::SanitizedFile storage.store!(file) end def url_or_file_path(url_options = {}) if file_storage? 'file://' + path else url(url_options) end end private # Designed to be overridden by child uploaders that have a dynamic path # segment -- that is, a path that changes based on mutable attributes of its # associated model # # For example, `FileUploader` builds the storage path based on the associated # project model's `path_with_namespace` value, which can change when the # project or its containing namespace is moved or renamed. # # When implementing this method, raise `ObjectNotReadyError` if the model # does not yet exist, as it will be tested in `#protect_from_path_traversal!` def dynamic_segment raise(NotImplementedError) end # To prevent files from moving across filesystems, override the default # implementation: # http://github.com/carrierwaveuploader/carrierwave/blob/v1.0.0/lib/carrierwave/uploader/cache.rb#L181-L183 def workfile_path(for_file = original_filename) # To be safe, keep this directory outside of the the cache directory # because calling CarrierWave.clean_cache_files! will remove any files in # the cache directory. File.join(work_dir, cache_id, version_name.to_s, for_file) end def pathname @pathname ||= Pathname.new(path) end # Protect against path traversal attacks # This takes a list of methods to test for path traversal, e.g. ../../ # and checks each of them. This uses `.send` so that any potential errors # don't block the entire set from being tested. # # @param [CarrierWave::SanitizedFile] # @return [Nil] # @raise [Gitlab::Utils::PathTraversalAttackError] def protect_from_path_traversal!(file) PROTECTED_METHODS.each do |method| Gitlab::Utils.check_path_traversal!(self.send(method)) # rubocop: disable GitlabSecurity/PublicSend rescue ObjectNotReadyError # Do nothing. This test was attempted before the file was ready for that method end end end