# frozen_string_literal: true class JobArtifactUploader < GitlabUploader extend Workhorse::UploadPath include ObjectStorage::Concern UnknownFileLocationError = Class.new(StandardError) storage_options Gitlab.config.artifacts alias_method :upload, :model def cached_size return model.size if model.size.present? && !model.file_changed? size end def store_dir dynamic_segment end private def dynamic_segment # This now tests model.created_at because it can for some reason be nil in the test suite, # and it's not clear if this is intentional or not raise ObjectNotReadyError, 'JobArtifact is not ready' unless model.id && model.created_at if model.hashed_path? hashed_path elsif model.legacy_path? legacy_path else raise UnknownFileLocationError end end def hashed_path Gitlab::HashedPath.new(model.created_at.utc.strftime('%Y_%m_%d'), model.job_id, model.id, root_hash: model.project_id) end def legacy_path File.join(model.created_at.utc.strftime('%Y_%m'), model.project_id.to_s, model.job_id.to_s) end end