- breadcrumb_title _("Messages") - page_title _("Broadcast Messages") %h3.page-title Broadcast Messages %p.light Broadcast messages are displayed for every user and can be used to notify users about scheduled maintenance, recent upgrades and more. = render 'form' %br.clearfix - if @broadcast_messages.any? %table.table.table-responsive %thead %tr %th Status %th Preview %th Starts %th Ends %th Target Path %th Type %th   %tbody - @broadcast_messages.each do |message| %tr %td = broadcast_message_status(message) %td = broadcast_message(message, preview: true) %td = message.starts_at %td = message.ends_at %td = message.target_path %td = message.broadcast_type.capitalize %td.gl-white-space-nowrap.gl-display-flex = link_to sprite_icon('pencil-square', css_class: 'gl-icon'), edit_admin_broadcast_message_path(message), title: 'Edit', class: 'btn btn-icon gl-button' = link_to sprite_icon('remove', css_class: 'gl-icon'), admin_broadcast_message_path(message), method: :delete, remote: true, title: 'Remove', class: 'js-remove-tr btn btn-icon gl-button btn-danger ml-2' = paginate @broadcast_messages, theme: 'gitlab'