- public_project_count = ProjectsFinder.new(current_user: current_user).execute.count .blank-state-row - if current_user.can_create_project? = link_to new_project_path, class: "blank-state blank-state-link" do .blank-state-icon = custom_icon("add_new_project", size: 50) .blank-state-body %h3.blank-state-title Create a project %p.blank-state-text Projects are where you store your code, access issues, wiki and other features of GitLab. - else .blank-state .blank-state-icon = custom_icon("add_new_project", size: 50) .blank-state-body %h3.blank-state-title Create a project %p.blank-state-text If you are added to a project, it will be displayed here. - if current_user.can_create_group? = link_to new_group_path, class: "blank-state blank-state-link" do .blank-state-icon = custom_icon("add_new_group", size: 50) .blank-state-body %h3.blank-state-title Create a group %p.blank-state-text Groups are the best way to manage projects and members. - if public_project_count > 0 = link_to trending_explore_projects_path, class: "blank-state blank-state-link" do .blank-state-icon = custom_icon("globe", size: 50) .blank-state-body %h3.blank-state-title Explore public projects %p.blank-state-text There are = number_with_delimiter(public_project_count) public projects on this server. Public projects are an easy way to allow everyone to have read-only access. = link_to "https://docs.gitlab.com/", class: "blank-state blank-state-link" do .blank-state-icon = custom_icon("lightbulb", size: 50) .blank-state-body %h3.blank-state-title Learn more about GitLab %p.blank-state-text Take a look at the documentation to discover all of GitLab's capabilities.