- text_style = 'font-size:16px; text-align:center; line-height:30px;' - error_style = 'font-size:13px; text-align:center; line-height:16px; color:#dd2b0e;' %p{ style: text_style } - project_link = link_to(@project.full_name, project_url(@project), style: "color:#3777b0; text-decoration:none;") = s_('Notify|Your CSV import for project %{project_link} has been completed.').html_safe % { project_link: project_link } %p{ style: text_style } - issues = n_('%d issue', '%d issues', @results[:success]) % @results[:success] = s_('Notify|%{issues} imported.') % { issues: issues } - if @results[:error_lines].present? %p{ style: text_style } = s_('Notify|Errors found on %{singular_or_plural_line}: %{error_lines}. Please check if these lines have an issue title.') % { singular_or_plural_line: n_('line', 'lines', @results[:error_lines].size), error_lines: @results[:error_lines].join(', ') } - if @results[:parse_error] %p{ style: text_style } = s_('Notify|Error parsing CSV file. Please make sure it has the correct format: a delimited text file that uses a comma to separate values.') - preprocess_errors = @results[:preprocess_errors] - if preprocess_errors.present? - missing_milestone_errors = preprocess_errors.dig(:milestone_errors, :missing) || [] - if missing_milestone_errors.present? %p{ style: error_style } = s_('Notify|Could not find the following %{column} values in %{project}%{parent_groups_clause}: %{error_lines}') % { error_lines: missing_milestone_errors[:titles].join(', '), column: missing_milestone_errors[:header].downcase, project: @project.full_name, parent_groups_clause: @project.group.present? ? ' or its parent groups' : ''} - if @results[:error_lines].present? || preprocess_errors.present? %p{ style: text_style } = s_('Notify|Please fix the errors above and try the CSV import again.')