<%= s_('Notify|Here are the results for your CSV import for %{project_name} (%{project_link}).') % { project_name: @project.full_name, project_link: project_url(@project) } %> <% success_lines = @results[:success] %> <% if success_lines > 0 %> <% work_items = n_('%d work item', '%d work items', success_lines) % success_lines %> <%= s_('Notify|%{work_items} successfully imported.') % { work_items: work_items } %> <% else %> <%= s_('Notify|No work items have been imported.') %> <% if @results[:parse_error] %> <%= s_('Notify|Error parsing CSV file. Please make sure it has the correct format: a delimited text file that uses a comma to separate values.') %> <% end %> <% end %> <% type_errors = @results[:type_errors] %> <% if type_errors blank_lines = type_errors[:blank] missing_lines = type_errors[:missing] disallowed_lines = type_errors[:disallowed] %> <%= s_('Notify|Some values in the "type" column could not be matched with supported work item types:') %> <% if blank_lines.present? %> <%= s_('Notify|%{singular_or_plural_line} %{error_lines}: Work item type is empty.') % { singular_or_plural_line: n_('Line', 'Lines', blank_lines.size), error_lines: blank_lines.join(', ') } %> <% end %> <% if missing_lines.present? %> <%= s_('Notify|%{singular_or_plural_line} %{error_lines}: Work item type cannot be found or is not supported.') % { singular_or_plural_line: n_('Line', 'Lines', missing_lines.size), error_lines: missing_lines.join(', ') } %> <% end %> <% if disallowed_lines.present? %> <%= s_('Notify|%{singular_or_plural_line} %{error_lines}: Work item type is not available. Please check your license and permissions.') % { singular_or_plural_line: n_('Line', 'Lines', disallowed_lines.size), error_lines: disallowed_lines.join(', ') } %> <% end %> <% end %> <% error_lines = @results[:error_lines] if error_lines.present? %> <%= s_('Notify|Errors found on %{singular_or_plural_line}: %{error_lines}. Please check that these lines have the following fields: %{required_headers}.') % { singular_or_plural_line: n_('line', 'lines', error_lines.size), required_headers: WorkItems::ImportCsvService.required_headers.join(', '), error_lines: error_lines.join(', ') } %> <% end %> <% if error_lines.present? || type_errors %> <%= s_('Notify|Please fix the lines with errors and try the CSV import again.') %> <% end %>