- strong_start = ''.html_safe - strong_end = ''.html_safe - link_start = ''.html_safe - link_end = ''.html_safe - if hook.rate_limited? - placeholders = { limit: number_with_delimiter(hook.rate_limit), root_namespace: hook.parent.root_namespace.path } = render Pajamas::AlertComponent.new(title: s_('Webhooks|Webhook rate limit has been reached'), variant: :danger) do |c| - c.with_body do = s_("Webhooks|Webhooks for %{root_namespace} are now disabled because they've been triggered more than %{limit} times per minute. They'll be automatically re-enabled in the next minute.").html_safe % placeholders - elsif hook.permanently_disabled? = render Pajamas::AlertComponent.new(title: s_('Webhooks|Webhook failed to connect'), variant: :danger) do |c| - c.with_body do = s_('Webhooks|The webhook failed to connect, and is disabled. To re-enable it, check %{strong_start}Recent events%{strong_end} for error details, then test your settings below.').html_safe % { strong_start: strong_start, strong_end: strong_end } - elsif hook.temporarily_disabled? - help_path = help_page_path('user/project/integrations/webhooks', anchor: 'webhook-fails-or-multiple-webhook-requests-are-triggered') - placeholders = { strong_start: strong_start, strong_end: strong_end, retry_time: time_interval_in_words(hook.disabled_until - Time.now), help_link_start: link_start % { url: help_path }, help_link_end: link_end } = render Pajamas::AlertComponent.new(title: s_('Webhooks|Webhook fails to connect'), variant: :warning) do |c| - c.with_body do = s_('Webhooks|The webhook %{help_link_start}failed to connect%{help_link_end}, and will retry in %{retry_time}. To re-enable it, check %{strong_start}Recent events%{strong_end} for error details, then test your settings below.').html_safe % placeholders