# frozen_string_literal: true module ReactiveCacheableWorker extend ActiveSupport::Concern included do include ApplicationWorker sidekiq_options retry: 3 # Feature category is different depending on the model that is using the # reactive cache. Identified by the `related_class` attribute. feature_category :not_owned # rubocop:todo Gitlab/AvoidFeatureCategoryNotOwned loggable_arguments 0 def self.context_for_arguments(arguments) class_name, *_other_args = arguments Gitlab::ApplicationContext.new(related_class: class_name.to_s) end end def perform(class_name, id, *args) klass = begin class_name.constantize rescue NameError nil end return unless klass klass .reactive_cache_worker_finder .call(id, *args) .try(:exclusively_update_reactive_cache!, *args) rescue ReactiveCaching::ExceededReactiveCacheLimit => e Gitlab::ErrorTracking.track_exception(e) end end