# frozen_string_literal: true CH_MESSAGE = <<~MSG This merge request requires a ClickHouse review. To make sure these changes are reviewed, take the following steps: 1. Ensure the merge request has ~clickhouse and ~"clickhouse::review pending" labels. 1. Assign and mention a ClickHouse reviewer. MSG CH_UNREVIEWED_LABEL = 'clickhouse::review pending' CH_APPROVED_LABEL = 'clickhouse::approved' CH_URL = 'https://gitlab.com/groups/gitlab-org/maintainers/clickhouse/-/group_members?with_inherited_permissions=exclude' return if stable_branch.valid_stable_branch? return if helper.mr_labels.include?(CH_UNREVIEWED_LABEL) helper.labels_to_add << 'clickhouse' if clickhouse.changes.any? if helper.mr_labels.include?('clickhouse') || clickhouse.changes.any? message 'This merge request adds or changes files that require a ' \ 'review from the [GitLab ClickHouse team](CH_URL).' markdown(CH_MESSAGE) helper.labels_to_add << CH_UNREVIEWED_LABEL unless helper.has_scoped_label_with_scope?("clickhouse") end