FRONTEND_MAINTAINERS = %w[filipa iamphill].freeze BACKEND_MAINTAINERS = %w[rspeicher rymai yorickpeterse godfat].freeze NO_REVIEWER = 'No reviewer available'.freeze def mention_single_codebase_approvers canonical_branch_name = roulette.canonical_branch_name(gitlab.mr_json['source_branch']) random = roulette.new_random(canonical_branch_name) frontend_maintainers = helper.new_teammates(FRONTEND_MAINTAINERS) backend_maintainers = helper.new_teammates(BACKEND_MAINTAINERS) rows = [] if gitlab.mr_labels.include?('frontend') frontend_maintainer = roulette.spin_for_person(frontend_maintainers, random: random) rows << "| ~frontend | #{frontend_maintainer&.markdown_name || NO_REVIEWER}" end if gitlab.mr_labels.include?('backend') backend_maintainer = roulette.spin_for_person(backend_maintainers, random: random) rows << "| ~backend | #{backend_maintainer&.markdown_name || NO_REVIEWER}" end if rows.empty? backup_maintainer = backend_maintainers.sample rows << "| ~frontend / ~backend | #{backup_maintainer.markdown_name}" end markdown(<<~MARKDOWN.strip) ## Single codebase changes This merge request contains changes related to the work of moving towards a [single codebase]( for Community Edition and Enterprise Edition. These changes will need to be reviewed and approved by the following engineers: | Category | Reviewer |----------|--------- #{rows.join("\n")} To make sure this happens, please follow these steps: 1. Add all of the mentioned users to the list of merge request approvals. 2. Assign the merge request to the first person in the above list. If you are a reviewer, please follow these steps: 1. Review the merge request. If it is good to go, approve it. 2. Once approved, assign to the next person in the above list. If you are the last person in the list, merge the merge request. MARKDOWN end if gitlab.mr_labels.include?('single codebase') mention_single_codebase_approvers end