class MigrateJiraToGem < ActiveRecord::Migration[4.2] DOWNTIME = true DOWNTIME_REASON = <<-HEREDOC Refactor all Jira services properties(serialized field) to use new jira-ruby gem. There were properties on old Jira service that are not needed anymore after the service refactoring: api_url, project_url, new_issue_url, issues_url. We extract the new necessary some properties from old keys and delete them: taking project_key from project_url and url from api_url HEREDOC def up active_services_query = "SELECT id, properties FROM services WHERE services.type IN ('JiraService') AND = true" select_all(active_services_query).each do |service| id = service['id'] properties = JSON.parse(service['properties']) properties_was = properties.clone # Migrate `project_url` to `project_key` # Ignore if `project_url` doesn't have jql project query with project key if properties['project_url'].present? jql = properties['project_url'].match('project=([A-Za-z]*)') properties['project_key'] = jql.captures.first if jql end # Migrate `api_url` to `url` if properties['api_url'].present? url = properties['api_url'].match('(.*)\/rest\/api') properties['url'] = url.captures.first if url end # Delete now unnecessary properties properties.delete('api_url') properties.delete('project_url') properties.delete('new_issue_url') properties.delete('issues_url') # Update changes properties if properties != properties_was execute("UPDATE services SET properties = '#{quote_string(properties.to_json)}' WHERE id = #{id}") end end end def down active_services_query = "SELECT id, properties FROM services WHERE services.type IN ('JiraService') AND = true" select_all(active_services_query).each do |service| id = service['id'] properties = JSON.parse(service['properties']) properties_was = properties.clone # Rebuild old properties based on sane defaults if properties['url'].present? properties['api_url'] = "#{properties['url']}/rest/api/2" properties['project_url'] = "#{properties['url']}/issues/?jql=project=#{properties['project_key']}" properties['issues_url'] = "#{properties['url']}/browse/:id" properties['new_issue_url'] = "#{properties['url']}/secure/CreateIssue.jspa" end # Delete the new properties properties.delete('url') properties.delete('project_key') # Update changes properties if properties != properties_was execute("UPDATE services SET properties = '#{quote_string(properties.to_json)}' WHERE id = #{id}") end end end end