# See http://doc.gitlab.com/ce/development/migration_style_guide.html # for more information on how to write migrations for GitLab. class RemoveDuplicatesFromRoutes < ActiveRecord::Migration[4.2] include Gitlab::Database::MigrationHelpers DOWNTIME = false def up # We can skip this migration when running a PostgreSQL database because # we use an optimized query in the "FillProjectsRoutesTable" migration # to fill these values that avoid duplicate entries in the routes table. return unless Gitlab::Database.mysql? execute <<-EOF DELETE duplicated_rows.* FROM routes AS duplicated_rows INNER JOIN ( SELECT path, MAX(id) as max_id FROM routes GROUP BY path HAVING COUNT(*) > 1 ) AS good_rows ON good_rows.path = duplicated_rows.path AND good_rows.max_id <> duplicated_rows.id; EOF end def down end end