--- stage: Manage group: Import and Integrate info: "To determine the technical writer assigned to the Stage/Group associated with this page, see https://about.gitlab.com/handbook/product/ux/technical-writing/#assignments" type: reference --- # Import and export settings **(FREE SELF)** Settings for import- and export-related features. ## Configure allowed import sources Before you can import projects from other systems, you must enable the [import source](../../user/gitlab_com/index.md#default-import-sources) for that system. 1. Sign in to GitLab as a user with Administrator access level. 1. On the left sidebar, select **Search or go to**. 1. Select **Admin Area**. 1. Select **Settings > General**. 1. Expand the **Import and export settings** section. 1. Select each of **Import sources** to allow. 1. Select **Save changes**. ## Enable project export To enable the export of [projects and their data](../../user/project/settings/import_export.md#export-a-project-and-its-data): 1. Sign in to GitLab as a user with Administrator access level. 1. On the left sidebar, select **Search or go to**. 1. Select **Admin Area**. 1. Select **Settings > General**. 1. Expand the **Import and export settings** section. 1. Scroll to **Project export**. 1. Select the **Enabled** checkbox. 1. Select **Save changes**. ## Enable migration of groups and projects by direct transfer > [Introduced](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/issues/383268) in GitLab 15.8. You can enable migration of groups by direct transfer using the UI. To enable migration of groups by direct transfer: 1. Sign in to GitLab as a user with Administrator access level. 1. On the left sidebar, select **Search or go to**. 1. Select **Admin Area**. 1. Select **Settings > General**. 1. Expand the **Import and export settings** section. 1. Scroll to **Allow migrating GitLab groups and projects by direct transfer**. 1. Select the **Enabled** checkbox. 1. Select **Save changes**. The same setting [is available](../../api/settings.md#list-of-settings-that-can-be-accessed-via-api-calls) in the API as the `bulk_import_enabled` attribute. ## Max export size > [Introduced](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/merge_requests/86124) in GitLab 15.0. To modify the maximum file size for exports in GitLab: 1. On the left sidebar, select **Search or go to**. 1. Select **Admin Area**. 1. Select **Settings > General**, then expand **Import and export settings**. 1. Increase or decrease by changing the value in **Maximum export size (MiB)**. ## Max import size > [Changed](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/issues/251106) from 50 MB to unlimited in GitLab 13.8. To modify the maximum file size for imports in GitLab: 1. On the left sidebar, select **Search or go to**. 1. Select **Admin Area**. 1. Select **Settings > General**. 1. Expand **Import and export settings**. 1. Increase or decrease by changing the value in **Maximum import size (MiB)**. This setting applies only to repositories [imported from a GitLab export file](../../user/project/settings/import_export.md#import-a-project-and-its-data). If you choose a size larger than the configured value for the web server, you may receive errors. See the [troubleshooting section](../../administration/settings/account_and_limit_settings.md#troubleshooting) for more details. For GitLab.com repository size limits, read [accounts and limit settings](../../user/gitlab_com/index.md#account-and-limit-settings). ## Maximum remote file size for imports > [Introduced](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/issues/384976) in GitLab 16.3. You can modify the maximum remote file size for imports from external object storages (for example, AWS) in GitLab. To modify the maximum import remote file size: 1. On the left sidebar, select **Search or go to**. 1. Select **Admin Area**. 1. Select **Settings > General**. 1. Expand **Import and export settings**. 1. Increase or decrease by changing the value in **Maximum import remote file size (MiB)**. Set to `0` to set no file size limit. ## Maximum download file size for imports by direct transfer > [Introduced](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/issues/384976) in GitLab 16.3. You can modify the maximum download file size for imports by direct transfer in GitLab. To modify the maximum download file size for imports by direct transfer: 1. On the left sidebar, select **Search or go to**. 1. Select **Admin Area**. 1. Select **Settings > General**. 1. Expand **Import and export settings**. 1. Increase or decrease by changing the value in **Direct transfer maximum download file size (MiB)**. Set to `0` to set no download file size limit. ## Maximum decompressed file size for imported archives > - [Introduced](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/merge_requests/128218) in GitLab 16.3. > - **Maximum decompressed file size for archives from imports** field [renamed](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/merge_requests/130081) from **Maximum decompressed size** in GitLab 16.4. When you import a project using [file exports](../../user/project/settings/import_export.md) or [direct transfer](../../user/group/import/index.md#migrate-groups-by-direct-transfer-recommended), you can specify the maximum decompressed file size for imported archives. The default value is 25 GB. When you import a compressed file, the decompressed size cannot exceed the maximum decompressed file size limit. If the decompressed size exceeds the configured limit, the following error is returned: ```plaintext Decompressed archive size validation failed. ``` To modify the maximum decompressed file size for imports in GitLab: 1. On the left sidebar, select **Search or go to**. 1. Select **Admin Area**. 1. Select **Settings > General**. 1. Expand **Import and export settings**. 1. Set another value for **Maximum decompressed file size for archives from imports (MiB)**. ## Timeout for decompressing archived files > [Introduced](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/merge_requests/128218) in GitLab 16.4. When you [import a project](../../user/project/settings/import_export.md), you can specify the maximum time out for decompressing imported archives. The default value is 210 seconds. To modify the maximum decompressed file size for imports in GitLab: 1. On the left sidebar, select **Search or go to**. 1. Select **Admin Area**. 1. Select **Settings > General**. 1. Expand **Import and export settings**. 1. Set another value for **Timeout for decompressing archived files (seconds)**.