--- stage: none group: Documentation Guidelines info: For assistance with this Style Guide page, see https://handbook.gitlab.com/handbook/product/ux/technical-writing/#assignments-to-other-projects-and-subjects. --- # Create content for drawers In the GitLab UI, you can display help content in [a drawer component](https://design.gitlab.com/components/drawer/). The component for Markdown is [in the storybook](https://gitlab-org.gitlab.io/gitlab/storybook/?path=/story/vue-shared-markdown-drawer--default). The component points to a Markdown file. Any time you update the Markdown file, the contents of the drawer are updated. Drawer content is displayed in drawers only, and not on `docs.gitlab.com`. The content is rendered in GitLab Flavored Markdown. To create this content: 1. In the [GitLab](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab) repository, go to the `/doc/drawers` folder. 1. Create a Markdown file. Use a descriptive filename. Do not create subfolders. 1. Add the standard page metadata. Also, include: ```markdown type: drawer ``` 1. Author the content. 1. If the page includes content that is also on a page on `docs.gitlab.com`, on the page's metadata, include a path to the other file. For example: ```markdown source: /doc/user/search/global_search/advanced_search_syntax.md ``` 1. Work with the developer to view the content in the drawer and verify that the content appears correctly. ## Drawer content guidelines - The headings in the file are used as headings in the drawer. The `H1` heading is the drawer title. - Do not include any characters other than plain text in the `H1`. - The drawer component is narrow and not resizable. - If you include tables, the content within should be brief. - While no technical limitation exists on the number of characters you can use, you should preview the drawer content to ensure it renders well. - To link from the drawer to other content, use absolute URLs. - Do not include: - Tier badges - Version history text - Alert boxes - Images - SVG icons