--- stage: Plan group: Optimize info: To determine the technical writer assigned to the Stage/Group associated with this page, see https://about.gitlab.com/handbook/product/ux/technical-writing/#assignments --- # Insights for projects **(ULTIMATE)** Configure project insights to explore data such as: - Issues created and closed during a specified period. - Average time for merge requests to be merged. - Triage hygiene. Insights are also available for [groups](../../group/insights/index.md). ## View project insights Prerequisites: - You must have: - Access to a project to view information about its merge requests and issues. - Permission to view confidential merge requests and issues in the project. To view project insights: 1. On the left sidebar, at the top, select **Search GitLab** (**{search}**) to find your project. 1. Select **Analyze > Insights**. 1. To view a report, select the **Select report** dropdown list. ## Configure project insights Prerequisites: - Depending on your project configuration, you must have at least the Developer role. Project insights are configured with the [`.gitlab/insights.yml`](#insights-configuration-file) file in the project. If a project doesn't have a configuration file, it uses the [group configuration](../../group/insights/index.md#configure-group-insights). The `.gitlab/insights.yml` file is a YAML file where you define: - The structure and order of charts in a report. - The style of charts displayed in the report of your project or group. To configure project insights, either: - Create a `.gitlab/insights.yml` file locally in the root directory of your project, and push your changes. - Create a `.gitlab/insights.yml` file in the UI: 1. On the left sidebar, at the top, select **Search GitLab** (**{search}**) to find your project. 1. Above the file list, select the branch you want to commit to, select the plus icon, then select **New file**. 1. In the **File name** text box, enter `.gitlab/insights.yml`. 1. In the large text box, update the file contents. 1. Select **Commit changes**. After you create the configuration file, you can also [use it for the project's group](../../group/insights/index.md#configure-group-insights). ## Insights configuration file In the `.gitlab/insights.yml` file: - [Configuration parameters](#insights-configuration-parameters) define the chart behavior. - Each report has a unique key and a collection of charts to fetch and display. - Each chart definition is made up of a hash composed of key-value pairs. The following example shows a single definition that displays one report with one chart. ```yaml bugsCharts: title: "Charts for bugs" charts: - title: "Monthly bugs created" description: "Open bugs created per month" type: bar query: data_source: issuables params: issuable_type: issue issuable_state: opened filter_labels: - bug group_by: month period_limit: 24 ``` ## Insights configuration parameters The following table lists the chart parameters: | Keyword | Description | |:---------------------------------------------------|:------------| | [`title`](#title) | The title of the chart. This displays on the Insights page. | | [`description`](#description) | A description for the individual chart. This displays above the relevant chart. | | [`type`](#type) | The type of chart: `bar`, `line` or `stacked-bar`. | | [`query`](#query) | A hash that defines the data source and filtering conditions for the chart. | ### `title` Use `title` to update the chart title. The title displays on the insights report. **Example:** ```yaml monthlyBugsCreated: title: "Monthly bugs created" ``` ### `description` Use `description` to add a description of the chart. The description displays above the chart, below the title. **Example:** ```yaml monthlyBugsCreated: title: "Monthly bugs created" description: "Open bugs created per month" ``` ### `type` Use `type` to define the chart type. **Supported values:** | Name | Example: | | ----- | ------- | | `bar` | ![Insights example bar chart](img/insights_example_bar_chart.png) | | `bar` (time series, that is when `group_by` is used) | ![Insights example bar time series chart](img/insights_example_bar_time_series_chart.png) | | `line` | ![Insights example stacked bar chart](img/insights_example_line_chart.png) | | `stacked-bar` | ![Insights example stacked bar chart](img/insights_example_stacked_bar_chart.png) | The `dora` data source supports the `bar` and `line` [chart types](#type). **Example:** ```yaml monthlyBugsCreated: title: "Monthly bugs created" type: bar ``` ### `query` Use `query` to define the data source and filtering conditions for the chart. **Example:** ```yaml monthlyBugsCreated: title: "Monthly bugs created" description: "Open bugs created per month" type: bar query: data_source: issuables params: issuable_type: issue issuable_state: opened filter_labels: - bug collection_labels: - S1 - S2 - S3 - S4 group_by: week period_limit: 104 ``` The legacy format without the `data_source` parameter is still supported: ```yaml monthlyBugsCreated: title: "Monthly bugs created" description: "Open bugs created per month" type: bar query: issuable_type: issue issuable_state: opened filter_labels: - bug collection_labels: - S1 - S2 - S3 - S4 group_by: week period_limit: 104 ``` #### `query.data_source` > [Introduced](https://gitlab.com/groups/gitlab-org/-/epics/725) in GitLab 15.3. Use `data_source` to define the data source that exposes the data. **Supported values:** - `issuables`: Exposes merge request or issue data. - `dora`: Exposes DORA metrics. #### `issuable` query parameters ##### `query.params.issuable_type` Use `query.params.issuable_type` to define the type of issuable to create a chart for. **Supported values:** - `issue`: The chart displays issues' data. - `merge_request`: The chart displays merge requests' data. ##### `query.params.issuable_state` Use `query.params.issuable_state` to filter by the current state of the queried issuable. By default, the `opened` state filter is applied. **Supported values:** - `opened`: Open issues or merge requests. - `closed`: Closed issues or merge requests. - `locked`: Issues or merge requests that have their discussion locked. - `merged`: Merged merge requests. - `all`: Issues or merge requests in all states. ##### `query.params.filter_labels` Use `query.params.filter_labels` to filter by labels applied to the queried issuable. By default, no label filter is applied. All defined labels must be applied to the issuable for it to be selected. **Example:**: ```yaml monthlyBugsCreated: title: "Monthly regressions created" type: bar query: data_source: issuables params: issuable_type: issue issuable_state: opened filter_labels: - bug - regression ``` ##### `query.params.collection_labels` Use `query.params.collection_labels` to group issuables by the configured labels. Grouping is not applied by default. When using this parameter, you must set `type` to `line` or `stacked-bar`. **Example:** ```yaml weeklyBugsBySeverity: title: "Weekly bugs by severity" type: stacked-bar query: data_source: issuables params: issuable_type: issue issuable_state: opened filter_labels: - bug collection_labels: - S1 - S2 - S3 - S4 ``` ##### `query.group_by` Use `query.group_by` to define the X-axis of the chart. **Supported values:** - `day`: Group data per day. - `week`: Group data per week. - `month`: Group data per month. ##### `query.period_limit` Use `query.period_limit` to define how far back in time to query issuables (using the `query.period_field`). The unit is related to the value defined in `query.group_by`. For example, if you defined `query.group_by: 'day'`, and `query.period_limit: 365`, the chart displays data from the last 365 days. By default, default values are applied depending on the `query.group_by` you defined. | `query.group_by` | Default value | | ---------------- | ------------- | | `day` | 30 | | `week` | 4 | | `month` | 12 | #### `query.period_field` Use `query.period_field` to define the timestamp field by which to group issuables. **Supported values:** - `created_at` (default): Group data using the `created_at` field. - `closed_at`: Group data using the `closed_at` field (for issues only). - `merged_at`: Group data using the `merged_at` field (for merge requests only). The `period_field` is automatically set to: - `closed_at` if `query.issuable_state` is `closed` - `merged_at` if `query.issuable_state` is `merged` - `created_at` otherwise NOTE: Until [this bug](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/issues/26911), is resolved, you may see `created_at` in place of `merged_at`. `created_at` is used instead. #### `DORA` query parameters > [Introduced](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/issues/367248) in GitLab 15.3. Use DORA-specific queries with the `dora` data source to create a DORA chart definition. **Example:** ```yaml dora: title: "DORA charts" charts: - title: "DORA deployment frequency" type: bar # or line query: data_source: dora params: metric: deployment_frequency group_by: day period_limit: 10 projects: only: - 38 - title: "DORA lead time for changes" description: "DORA lead time for changes" type: bar query: data_source: dora params: metric: lead_time_for_changes group_by: day environment_tiers: - staging period_limit: 30 ``` ##### `query.metric` Use `query.metric` to define the [DORA metrics](../../../api/dora/metrics.md#the-value-field) to query. **Supported values:** - `deployment_frequency` (default) - `lead_time_for_changes` - `time_to_restore_service` - `change_failure_rate` ##### `query.group_by` Use `query.group_by` to define the X-axis of your chart. **Supported values:** - `day` (default): Group data per day. - `month`: Group data per month. ##### `query.period_limit` Use `query.period_limit` to define how far the metrics are queried in the past (default: 15). The maximum period is 180 days or 6 months. ##### `query.environment_tiers` Use `query.environment_tiers` to define an array of environments to include the calculation. **Supported values:** - `production`(default) - `staging` - `testing` - `development` - `other` ### `projects` Use `projects` to limit where issuables are queried from: - If `.gitlab/insights.yml` is used for a [group's insights](../../group/insights/index.md#configure-group-insights), use `projects` to define the projects from which to query issuables. By default, all projects under the group are used. - If `.gitlab/insights.yml` is used for a project's insights, specifying other projects does not yield results. By default, the project is used. #### `projects.only` Use `projects.only` to specify the projects from which issuables are queried. Projects listed in this parameter are ignored when: - They don't exist. - The current user doesn't have sufficient permissions to read them. - They are outside the group. **Example:** ```yaml monthlyBugsCreated: title: "Monthly bugs created" description: "Open bugs created per month" type: bar query: data_source: issuables params: issuable_type: issue issuable_state: opened filter_labels: - bug projects: only: - 3 # You can use the project ID - groupA/projectA # Or full project path - groupA/subgroupB/projectC # Projects in subgroups can be included - groupB/project # Projects outside the group will be ignored ``` ## Complete insights configuration example ```yaml .projectsOnly: &projectsOnly projects: only: - 3 - groupA/projectA - groupA/subgroupB/projectC bugsCharts: title: "Charts for bugs" charts: - title: "Monthly bugs created" description: "Open bugs created per month" type: bar <<: *projectsOnly query: data_source: issuables params: issuable_type: issue issuable_state: opened filter_labels: - bug group_by: month period_limit: 24 - title: "Weekly bugs by severity" type: stacked-bar <<: *projectsOnly query: data_source: issuables params: issuable_type: issue issuable_state: opened filter_labels: - bug collection_labels: - S1 - S2 - S3 - S4 group_by: week period_limit: 104 - title: "Monthly bugs by team" type: line <<: *projectsOnly query: data_source: issuables params: issuable_type: merge_request issuable_state: opened filter_labels: - bug collection_labels: - Manage - Plan - Create group_by: month period_limit: 24 ```