Feature: User Background: Given User "John Doe" exists And "John Doe" is authorized to private project "Enterprise" # Signed out Scenario: I visit user "John Doe" page while not signed in when he is authorized to a public project Given "John Doe" is authorized to internal project "Internal" And "John Doe" is authorized to public project "Community" When I visit user "John Doe" page Then I should see user "John Doe" page And I should not see project "Enterprise" And I should not see project "Internal" And I should see project "Community" Scenario: I visit user "John Doe" page while not signed in when he is not authorized to a public project Given "John Doe" is authorized to internal project "Internal" When I visit user "John Doe" page Then I should be redirected to sign in page # Signed in as someone else Scenario: I visit user "John Doe" page while signed in as someone else when he is authorized to a public project Given "John Doe" is authorized to public project "Community" And "John Doe" is authorized to internal project "Internal" And I sign in as a user When I visit user "John Doe" page Then I should see user "John Doe" page And I should not see project "Enterprise" And I should see project "Internal" And I should see project "Community" Scenario: I visit user "John Doe" page while signed in as someone else when he is not authorized to a public project Given "John Doe" is authorized to internal project "Internal" And I sign in as a user When I visit user "John Doe" page Then I should see user "John Doe" page And I should not see project "Enterprise" And I should see project "Internal" And I should not see project "Community" Scenario: I visit user "John Doe" page while signed in as someone else when he is not authorized to a project I can see Given I sign in as a user When I visit user "John Doe" page Then I should see user "John Doe" page And I should not see project "Enterprise" And I should not see project "Internal" And I should not see project "Community" # Signed in as the user himself Scenario: I visit user "John Doe" page while signed in as "John Doe" when he has a public project Given "John Doe" is authorized to internal project "Internal" And "John Doe" is authorized to public project "Community" And I sign in as "John Doe" When I visit user "John Doe" page Then I should see user "John Doe" page And I should see project "Enterprise" And I should see project "Internal" And I should see project "Community" Scenario: I visit user "John Doe" page while signed in as "John Doe" when he has no public project Given I sign in as "John Doe" When I visit user "John Doe" page Then I should see user "John Doe" page And I should see project "Enterprise" And I should not see project "Internal" And I should not see project "Community"