# frozen_string_literal: true # Generated HTML is transformed back to GFM by: # - app/assets/javascripts/behaviors/markdown/marks/math.js # - app/assets/javascripts/behaviors/markdown/nodes/code_block.js module Banzai module Filter # HTML filter that implements our dollar math syntax, one of three filters: # DollarMathPreFilter, DollarMathPostFilter, and MathFilter # class DollarMathPostFilter < HTML::Pipeline::Filter # Based on the Pandoc heuristics, # https://pandoc.org/MANUAL.html#extension-tex_math_dollars # # Handle the $...$ and $$...$$ inline syntax in this filter, after markdown processing # but before post-handling of escaped characters. Any escaped $ will have been specially # encoded and will therefore not interfere with the detection of the dollar syntax. # Corresponds to the "$...$" syntax DOLLAR_INLINE_UNTRUSTED = '(?P\$(?P(?:\S[^$\n]*?\S|[^$\s]))\$)(?:[^\d]|$)' DOLLAR_INLINE_UNTRUSTED_REGEX = Gitlab::UntrustedRegexp.new(DOLLAR_INLINE_UNTRUSTED, multiline: false) # Corresponds to the "$$...$$" syntax DOLLAR_DISPLAY_INLINE_UNTRUSTED = '(?P\$\$\ *(?P[^$\n]+?)\ *\$\$)' DOLLAR_DISPLAY_INLINE_UNTRUSTED_REGEX = Gitlab::UntrustedRegexp.new(DOLLAR_DISPLAY_INLINE_UNTRUSTED, multiline: false) # Order dependent. Handle the `$$` syntax before the `$` syntax DOLLAR_MATH_PIPELINE = [ { pattern: DOLLAR_DISPLAY_INLINE_UNTRUSTED_REGEX, style: :display }, { pattern: DOLLAR_INLINE_UNTRUSTED_REGEX, style: :inline } ].freeze # Do not recognize math inside these tags IGNORED_ANCESTOR_TAGS = %w[pre code tt].to_set def call process_dollar_pipeline doc end def process_dollar_pipeline doc.xpath('descendant-or-self::text()').each do |node| next if has_ancestor?(node, IGNORED_ANCESTOR_TAGS) node_html = node.to_html next unless DOLLAR_INLINE_UNTRUSTED_REGEX.match?(node_html) || DOLLAR_DISPLAY_INLINE_UNTRUSTED_REGEX.match?(node_html) temp_doc = Nokogiri::HTML.fragment(node_html) DOLLAR_MATH_PIPELINE.each do |pipeline| temp_doc.xpath('child::text()').each do |temp_node| html = temp_node.to_html pipeline[:pattern].scan(temp_node.content).each do |match| math = pipeline[:pattern].extract_named_group(:math, match) html.sub!(match.first, math_html(math: math, style: pipeline[:style])) end temp_node.replace(html) end end node.replace(temp_doc) end end private def math_html(math:, style:) "#{math}" end end end end