# frozen_string_literal: true require 'rouge/plugins/common_mark' # Generated HTML is transformed back to GFM by app/assets/javascripts/behaviors/markdown/nodes/code_block.js module Banzai module Filter # HTML Filter to highlight fenced code blocks # class SyntaxHighlightFilter < HTML::Pipeline::Filter include OutputSafety PARAMS_DELIMITER = ':' LANG_PARAMS_ATTR = 'data-lang-params' def call doc.search('pre:not([data-math-style]):not([data-mermaid-style]) > code').each do |node| highlight_node(node) end doc end def highlight_node(node) css_classes = +'code highlight js-syntax-highlight' lang, lang_params = parse_lang_params(node.attr('lang')) retried = false if use_rouge?(lang) lexer = lexer_for(lang) language = lexer.tag else lexer = Rouge::Lexers::PlainText.new language = lang end begin code = Rouge::Formatters::HTMLGitlab.format(lex(lexer, node.text), tag: language) css_classes << " #{language}" if language rescue # Gracefully handle syntax highlighter bugs/errors to ensure users can # still access an issue/comment/etc. First, retry with the plain text # filter. If that fails, then just skip this entirely, but that would # be a pretty bad upstream bug. return if retried language = nil lexer = Rouge::Lexers::PlainText.new retried = true retry end highlighted = %(
) # Extracted to a method to measure it replace_parent_pre_element(node, highlighted) end private def parse_lang_params(language) return unless language lang, params = language.split(PARAMS_DELIMITER, 2) formatted_params = %(#{LANG_PARAMS_ATTR}="#{escape_once(params)}") if params [lang, formatted_params] end # Separate method so it can be instrumented. def lex(lexer, code) lexer.lex(code) end def lexer_for(language) (Rouge::Lexer.find(language) || Rouge::Lexers::PlainText).new end def replace_parent_pre_element(node, highlighted) # Replace the parent `pre` element with the entire highlighted block node.parent.replace(highlighted) end def use_rouge?(language) %w(math mermaid plantuml suggestion).exclude?(language) end end end end