# frozen_string_literal: true module ErrorTracking class StacktraceBuilder attr_reader :stacktrace def initialize(payload) @stacktrace = build_stacktrace(payload) end private def build_stacktrace(payload) raw_stacktrace = raw_stacktrace_from_payload(payload) return [] unless raw_stacktrace raw_stacktrace.map do |entry| { 'lineNo' => entry['lineno'], 'context' => build_stacktrace_context(entry), 'filename' => entry['filename'], 'abs_path' => entry['abs_path'], 'function' => entry['function'], 'colNo' => 0 # we don't support colNo yet. } end end def raw_stacktrace_from_payload(payload) exception_entry = payload['exception'] return unless exception_entry # Some SDK send exception payload as Array. For exmple Go lang SDK. # We need to convert it to hash format we expect. exception_entry = { 'values' => exception_entry } if exception_entry.is_a?(Array) exception_values = exception_entry['values'] stack_trace_entry = exception_values&.detect { |h| h['stacktrace'].present? } stack_trace_entry&.dig('stacktrace', 'frames') end def build_stacktrace_context(entry) error_line = entry['context_line'] error_line_no = entry['lineno'] pre_context = entry['pre_context'] post_context = entry['post_context'] context = [] context.concat lines_with_position(pre_context, error_line_no - pre_context.size) if pre_context context.concat lines_with_position([error_line], error_line_no) context.concat lines_with_position(post_context, error_line_no + 1) if post_context context.reject(&:blank?) end def lines_with_position(lines, position) return [] if lines.blank? lines.map.with_index do |line, index| next unless line [position + index, line] end end end end