# frozen_string_literal: true # rubocop: disable CodeReuse/ActiveRecord class EventFilter include Gitlab::Utils::StrongMemoize attr_accessor :filter ALL = 'all' PUSH = 'push' MERGED = 'merged' ISSUE = 'issue' COMMENTS = 'comments' TEAM = 'team' WIKI = 'wiki' DESIGNS = 'designs' PROJECT_ONLY_EVENT_TYPES = [PUSH, MERGED, TEAM, ISSUE, DESIGNS].freeze def initialize(filter) # Split using comma to maintain backward compatibility Ex/ "filter1,filter2" filter = filter.to_s.split(',')[0].to_s @filter = filters.include?(filter) ? filter : ALL end def active?(key) filter == key.to_s end def apply_filter(events) case filter when PUSH events.pushed_action when MERGED events.merged_action when COMMENTS events.commented_action when TEAM events.where(action: Event::TEAM_ACTIONS) when ISSUE events.where(action: Event::ISSUE_ACTIONS, target_type: 'Issue') when WIKI wiki_events(events) when DESIGNS design_events(events) else events end end # rubocop: disable Metrics/CyclomaticComplexity # This method build specialized in-operator optimized queries based on different # filter parameters. All queries will benefit from the index covering the following columns: # * author_id target_type action id # * project_id target_type action id # * group_id target_type action id # # More context: https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/development/database/efficient_in_operator_queries.html#the-inoperatoroptimization-module def in_operator_query_builder_params(array_data) case filter when ALL in_operator_params(array_data: array_data) when PUSH # Here we need to add an order hint column to force the correct index usage. # Without the order hint, the following conditions will use the `index_events_on_author_id_and_id` # index which is not as efficient as the `index_events_for_followed_users` index. # > target_type IS NULL AND action = 5 AND author_id = X ORDER BY id DESC # # The order hint adds an extra order by column which doesn't affect the result but forces the planner # to use the correct index: # > target_type IS NULL AND action = 5 AND author_id = X ORDER BY target_type DESC, id DESC in_operator_params( array_data: array_data, scope: Event.where(target_type: nil).pushed_action, order_hint_column: :target_type ) when MERGED in_operator_params( array_data: array_data, scope: Event.where(target_type: MergeRequest.to_s).merged_action ) when COMMENTS in_operator_params( array_data: array_data, scope: Event.commented_action, in_column: :target_type, in_values: [Note, *Note.descendants].map(&:name) # To make the query efficient we need to list all Note classes ) when TEAM in_operator_params( array_data: array_data, scope: Event.where(target_type: nil), order_hint_column: :target_type, in_column: :action, in_values: Event.actions.values_at(*Event::TEAM_ACTIONS) ) when ISSUE in_operator_params( array_data: array_data, scope: Event.where(target_type: Issue.name), in_column: :action, in_values: Event.actions.values_at(*Event::ISSUE_ACTIONS) ) when WIKI in_operator_params( array_data: array_data, scope: Event.for_wiki_page, in_column: :action, in_values: Event.actions.values_at(*Event::WIKI_ACTIONS) ) when DESIGNS in_operator_params( array_data: array_data, scope: Event.for_design, in_column: :action, in_values: Event.actions.values_at(*Event::DESIGN_ACTIONS) ) else in_operator_params(array_data: array_data) end end # rubocop: enable Metrics/CyclomaticComplexity private def in_operator_params(array_data:, scope: nil, in_column: nil, in_values: nil, order_hint_column: nil) base_scope = Event.all base_scope = base_scope.merge(scope) if scope order = { id: :desc } finder_query = -> (id_expression) { Event.where(Event.arel_table[:id].eq(id_expression)) } if order_hint_column.present? order = Gitlab::Pagination::Keyset::Order.build( [ Gitlab::Pagination::Keyset::ColumnOrderDefinition.new( attribute_name: order_hint_column, order_expression: Event.arel_table[order_hint_column].desc, nullable: :nulls_last, distinct: false ), Gitlab::Pagination::Keyset::ColumnOrderDefinition.new( attribute_name: :id, order_expression: Event.arel_table[:id].desc ) ]) finder_query = -> (_order_hint, id_expression) { Event.where(Event.arel_table[:id].eq(id_expression)) } end base_scope = base_scope.reorder(order) array_params = in_operator_array_params( scope: base_scope, array_data: array_data, in_column: in_column, in_values: in_values ) array_params.merge( scope: base_scope, finder_query: finder_query ) end # This method builds the array_ parameters # without in_column parameter: uses one IN filter: author_id # with in_column: two IN filters: author_id, (target_type OR action) # @param array_data [Hash] Must contain the scope_ids, scope_model, mapping_column keys def in_operator_array_params(scope:, array_data:, in_column: nil, in_values: nil) array_scope_ids = array_data[:scope_ids] array_scope_model = array_data[:scope_model] array_mapping_column = array_data[:mapping_column] # Adding non-existent record to generate valid SQL if array_scope_ids is empty array_scope_ids << 0 if array_scope_ids.empty? if in_column # Builds Cartesian product of the in_values and the array_scope_ids (in this case: user_ids). # The process is described here: https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/development/database/efficient_in_operator_queries.html#multiple-in-queries # VALUES ((array_scope_ids[0], in_values[0]), (array_scope_ids[1], in_values[0]) ...) cartesian = array_scope_ids.product(in_values) column_list = Arel::Nodes::ValuesList.new(cartesian) as = "array_ids(id, #{Event.connection.quote_column_name(in_column)})" from = Arel::Nodes::Grouping.new(column_list).as(as) { array_scope: array_scope_model.select(:id, in_column).from(from), array_mapping_scope: -> (primary_id_expression, in_column_expression) do Event .merge(scope) .where(Event.arel_table[array_mapping_column].eq(primary_id_expression)) .where(Event.arel_table[in_column].eq(in_column_expression)) end } else # Builds a simple query to represent the array_scope_ids # VALUES ((array_scope_ids[0]), (array_scope_ids[2])...) array_ids_list = Arel::Nodes::ValuesList.new(array_scope_ids.map { |id| [id] }) from = Arel::Nodes::Grouping.new(array_ids_list).as('array_ids(id)') { array_scope: array_scope_model.select(:id).from(from), array_mapping_scope: -> (primary_id_expression) do Event .merge(scope) .where(Event.arel_table[array_mapping_column].eq(primary_id_expression)) end } end end def wiki_events(events) events.for_wiki_page end def design_events(events) events.for_design end def filters [ALL, PUSH, MERGED, ISSUE, COMMENTS, TEAM, WIKI, DESIGNS] end end # rubocop: enable CodeReuse/ActiveRecord EventFilter.prepend_mod_with('EventFilter')