# frozen_string_literal: true class Gitlab::Ci::Build::AutoRetry include Gitlab::Utils::StrongMemoize DEFAULT_RETRIES = { scheduler_failure: 2 }.freeze def initialize(build) @build = build end def allowed? return false unless @build.retryable? within_max_retry_limit? end private def within_max_retry_limit? max_allowed_retries > 0 && max_allowed_retries > @build.retries_count end def max_allowed_retries strong_memoize(:max_allowed_retries) do options_retry_max || DEFAULT_RETRIES.fetch(@build.failure_reason.to_sym, 0) end end def options_retry_max Integer(options_retry[:max], exception: false) if retry_on_reason_or_always? end def options_retry_when options_retry.fetch(:when, ['always']) end def retry_on_reason_or_always? options_retry_when.include?(@build.failure_reason.to_s) || options_retry_when.include?('always') end # The format of the retry option changed in GitLab 11.5: Before it was # integer only, after it is a hash. New builds are created with the new # format, but builds created before GitLab 11.5 and saved in database still # have the old integer only format. This method returns the retry option # normalized as a hash in 11.5+ format. def options_retry strong_memoize(:options_retry) do value = @build.options&.dig(:retry) value = value.is_a?(Integer) ? { max: value } : value.to_h value.with_indifferent_access end end end