# frozen_string_literal: true module Gitlab module Ci class Config module External class Mapper include Gitlab::Utils::StrongMemoize MAX_INCLUDES = 100 FILE_CLASSES = [ External::File::Remote, External::File::Template, External::File::Local, External::File::Project, External::File::Artifact ].freeze Error = Class.new(StandardError) AmbigiousSpecificationError = Class.new(Error) DuplicateIncludesError = Class.new(Error) TooManyIncludesError = Class.new(Error) def initialize(values, context) @locations = Array.wrap(values.fetch(:include, [])) @context = context end def process return [] if locations.empty? locations .compact .map(&method(:normalize_location)) .each(&method(:verify_duplicates!)) .map(&method(:select_first_matching)) end private attr_reader :locations, :context delegate :expandset, to: :context # convert location if String to canonical form def normalize_location(location) if location.is_a?(String) normalize_location_string(location) else location.deep_symbolize_keys end end def normalize_location_string(location) if ::Gitlab::UrlSanitizer.valid?(location) { remote: location } else { local: location } end end def verify_duplicates!(location) if expandset.count >= MAX_INCLUDES raise TooManyIncludesError, "Maximum of #{MAX_INCLUDES} nested includes are allowed!" end # We scope location to context, as this allows us to properly support # relative includes, and similarly looking relative in another project # does not trigger duplicate error scoped_location = location.merge( context_project: context.project, context_sha: context.sha) unless expandset.add?(scoped_location) raise DuplicateIncludesError, "Include `#{location.to_json}` was already included!" end end def select_first_matching(location) matching = FILE_CLASSES.map do |file_class| file_class.new(location, context) end.select(&:matching?) raise AmbigiousSpecificationError, "Include `#{location.to_json}` needs to match exactly one accessor!" unless matching.one? matching.first end end end end end end