# frozen_string_literal: true module Gitlab module Ci module Input ## # Inputs::Input class represents user-provided inputs, configured using `with:` keyword. # # Input arguments are only valid with an associated component's inputs specification from component's header. # class Inputs UnknownSpecArgumentError = Class.new(StandardError) ARGUMENTS = [ Input::Arguments::Required, # Input argument is required Input::Arguments::Default, # Input argument has a default value Input::Arguments::Options, # Input argument that needs to be allowlisted Input::Arguments::Unknown # Input argument has not been recognized ].freeze def initialize(spec, args) @spec = spec @args = args @inputs = [] @errors = [] validate! fabricate! end def errors @errors + @inputs.flat_map(&:errors) end def valid? errors.none? end def unknown @args.keys - @spec.keys end def count @inputs.count end def to_hash @inputs.inject({}) do |hash, argument| raise ArgumentError unless argument.valid? hash.merge(argument.to_hash) end end private def validate! @errors.push("unknown input arguments: #{unknown.inspect}") if unknown.any? end def fabricate! @spec.each do |key, spec| argument = ARGUMENTS.find { |klass| klass.matches?(spec) } raise UnknownSpecArgumentError if argument.nil? @inputs.push(argument.new(key, spec, @args[key])) end end end end end end