# This example is for testing Django with MySQL. # # The test CI/CD variables MYSQL_DB, MYSQL_USER and MYSQL_PASS can be set in the project settings at: # Settings --> CI/CD --> Variables # # The Django settings in settings.py, used in tests, might look similar to: # # DATABASES = { # 'default': { # 'ENGINE': 'django.db.backends.mysql', # 'NAME': os.environ.get('MYSQL_DATABASE'), # 'USER': os.environ.get('MYSQL_USER'), # 'PASSWORD': os.environ.get('MYSQL_PASSWORD'), # 'HOST': 'mysql', # 'PORT': '3306', # 'CONN_MAX_AGE':60, # }, # } # # It is possible to use '--settings' to specify a custom settings file on the command line below or use an environment # variable to trigger an include on the bottom of your settings.py: # if os.environ.get('DJANGO_CONFIG')=='test': # from .settings_test import * # # It is also possible to hardcode the database name and credentials in the settings.py file and in the .gitlab-ci.yml file. # # The mysql service needs some variables too. See https://hub.docker.com/_/mysql for possible mysql env variables # Note that when using a service in GitLab CI/CD that needs environment variables to run, only variables defined in # .gitlab-ci.yml are passed to the service and variables defined in the GitLab UI are not. # https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/issues/30178 variables: # DJANGO_CONFIG: "test" MYSQL_DATABASE: $MYSQL_DB MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD: $MYSQL_PASS MYSQL_USER: $MYSQL_USER MYSQL_PASSWORD: $MYSQL_PASS default: image: ubuntu:20.04 # # Pick zero or more services to be used on all builds. # Only needed when using a docker container to run your tests in. # Check out: https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/ci/services/index.html services: - mysql:8.0 # # This folder is cached between builds # http://docs.gitlab.com/ee/ci/yaml/README.html#cache cache: paths: - ~/.cache/pip/ before_script: - apt -y update - apt -y install apt-utils - apt -y install net-tools python3.8 python3-pip mysql-client libmysqlclient-dev - apt -y upgrade - pip3 install -r requirements.txt migrations: stage: build script: - python3 manage.py makemigrations # - python3 manage.py makemigrations myapp - python3 manage.py migrate - python3 manage.py check django-tests: stage: test script: # The MYSQL user only gets permissions for MYSQL_DB, so Django can't create a test database. - echo "GRANT ALL on *.* to '${MYSQL_USER}';"| mysql -u root --password="${MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD}" -h mysql # use python3 explicitly. see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Python/3 - python3 manage.py test deploy: stage: deploy script: echo "Define your deployment script!" environment: production