# This template is provided and maintained by Indeni, an official Technology Partner with GitLab. # See https://about.gitlab.com/partners/technology-partners/#security for more information. # For more information about Indeni Cloudrail: https://indeni.com/cloudrail/ # # This file shows an example of using Indeni Cloudrail with GitLab CI/CD. # It is not designed to be included in an existing CI/CD configuration with the "include:" keyword. # Documentation about this integration: https://indeni.com/doc-indeni-cloudrail/integrate-with-ci-cd/gitlab-instructions # # For an example of this used in a GitLab repository, see: https://gitlab.com/indeni/cloudrail-demo/-/blob/master/.gitlab-ci.yml # The sast-report output complies with GitLab's format. This report displays Cloudrail's # results in the Security tab in the pipeline view, if you have that feature enabled # (GitLab Ultimate only). Otherwise, Cloudrail generates a JUnit report, which displays # in the "Test summary" in merge requests. # Note that Cloudrail's input is the Terraform plan. That is why we've included in this # template an example of doing that. You are welcome to replace it with your own way # of generating a Terraform plan. # Before you can use this template, get a Cloudrail API key from the Cloudrail web # user interface. Save it as a CI/CD variable named CLOUDRAIL_API_KEY in your project # settings. variables: TEST_ROOT: ${CI_PROJECT_DIR}/my_folder_with_terraform_content default: before_script: - cd ${CI_PROJECT_DIR}/my_folder_with_terraform_content init_and_plan: stage: build image: "$CI_TEMPLATE_REGISTRY_HOST/gitlab-org/terraform-images/releases/0.13" rules: - if: $SAST_DISABLED when: never - if: $CI_COMMIT_BRANCH exists: - '**/*.tf' script: - terraform init - terraform plan -out=plan.out artifacts: name: "$CI_COMMIT_BRANCH-terraform_plan" paths: - ./**/plan.out - ./**/.terraform cloudrail_scan: stage: test image: indeni/cloudrail-cli:1.2.44 rules: - if: $SAST_DISABLED when: never - if: $CI_COMMIT_BRANCH exists: - '**/*.tf' script: - | if [[ "${GITLAB_FEATURES}" == *"security_dashboard"* ]]; then echo "You are licensed for GitLab Security Dashboards. Your scan results will display in the Security Dashboard." cloudrail run --tf-plan plan.out \ --directory . \ --api-key ${CLOUDRAIL_API_KEY} \ --origin ci \ --build-link "$CI_PROJECT_URL/-/jobs/$CI_JOB_ID" \ --execution-source-identifier "$CI_COMMIT_BRANCH - $CI_JOB_ID" \ --output-format json-gitlab-sast \ --output-file ${CI_PROJECT_DIR}/cloudrail-sast-report.json \ --auto-approve else echo "Your scan results will display in the GitLab Test results visualization panel." cloudrail run --tf-plan plan.out \ --directory . \ --api-key ${CLOUDRAIL_API_KEY} \ --origin ci \ --build-link "$CI_PROJECT_URL/-/jobs/$CI_JOB_ID" \ --execution-source-identifier "$CI_COMMIT_BRANCH - $CI_JOB_ID" \ --output-format junit \ --output-file ${CI_PROJECT_DIR}/cloudrail-junit-report.xml \ --auto-approve fi artifacts: reports: sast: cloudrail-sast-report.json junit: cloudrail-junit-report.xml