# frozen_string_literal: true module Gitlab module Gpg extend self MUTEX = Mutex.new module CurrentKeyChain extend self def add(key) GPGME::Key.import(key) end def fingerprints_from_key(key) import = GPGME::Key.import(key) return [] if import.imported == 0 import.imports.map(&:fingerprint) end end def fingerprints_from_key(key) using_tmp_keychain do CurrentKeyChain.fingerprints_from_key(key) end end def primary_keyids_from_key(key) using_tmp_keychain do fingerprints = CurrentKeyChain.fingerprints_from_key(key) GPGME::Key.find(:public, fingerprints).map { |raw_key| raw_key.primary_subkey.keyid } end end def subkeys_from_key(key) using_tmp_keychain do fingerprints = CurrentKeyChain.fingerprints_from_key(key) raw_keys = GPGME::Key.find(:public, fingerprints) raw_keys.each_with_object({}) do |raw_key, grouped_subkeys| primary_subkey_id = raw_key.primary_subkey.keyid grouped_subkeys[primary_subkey_id] = raw_key.subkeys[1..-1].map do |s| { keyid: s.keyid, fingerprint: s.fingerprint } end end end end def user_infos_from_key(key) using_tmp_keychain do fingerprints = CurrentKeyChain.fingerprints_from_key(key) GPGME::Key.find(:public, fingerprints).flat_map do |raw_key| raw_key.uids.each_with_object([]) do |uid, arr| name = uid.name.force_encoding('UTF-8') email = uid.email.force_encoding('UTF-8') arr << { name: name, email: email.downcase } if name.valid_encoding? && email.valid_encoding? end end end end # Allows thread safe switching of temporary keychain files # # 1. The current thread may use nesting of temporary keychain # 2. Another thread needs to wait for the lock to be released def using_tmp_keychain(&block) if MUTEX.locked? && MUTEX.owned? optimistic_using_tmp_keychain(&block) else ActiveSupport::Dependencies.interlock.permit_concurrent_loads do MUTEX.synchronize do optimistic_using_tmp_keychain(&block) end end end end # 1. Returns the custom home directory if one has been set by calling # `GPGME::Engine.home_dir=` # 2. Returns the default home directory otherwise def current_home_dir GPGME::Engine.info.first.home_dir || GPGME::Engine.dirinfo('homedir') end private def optimistic_using_tmp_keychain previous_dir = current_home_dir tmp_dir = Dir.mktmpdir GPGME::Engine.home_dir = tmp_dir yield ensure # Ignore any errors when removing the tmp directory, as we may run into a # race condition: # The `gpg-agent` agent process may clean up some files as well while # `FileUtils.remove_entry` is iterating the directory and removing all # its contained files and directories recursively, which could raise an # error. FileUtils.remove_entry(tmp_dir, true) GPGME::Engine.home_dir = previous_dir end end end