# frozen_string_literal: true module Gitlab class IssuableMetadata include Gitlab::Utils::StrongMemoize # data structure to store issuable meta data like # upvotes, downvotes, notes and closing merge requests counts for issues and merge requests # this avoiding n+1 queries when loading issuable collections on frontend IssuableMeta = Struct.new( :upvotes, :downvotes, :user_notes_count, :merge_requests_count, :blocking_issues_count # EE-ONLY ) attr_reader :current_user, :issuable_collection def initialize(current_user, issuable_collection) @current_user = current_user @issuable_collection = issuable_collection validate_collection! end def data return {} if issuable_ids.empty? issuable_ids.index_with do |id| metadata_for_issuable(id) end end private def metadata_for_issuable(id) downvotes = group_issuable_votes_count.find { |votes| votes.awardable_id == id && votes.downvote? } upvotes = group_issuable_votes_count.find { |votes| votes.awardable_id == id && votes.upvote? } notes = grouped_issuable_notes_count.find { |notes| notes.noteable_id == id } merge_requests = grouped_issuable_merge_requests_count.find { |mr| mr.first == id } IssuableMeta.new( upvotes.try(:count).to_i, downvotes.try(:count).to_i, notes.try(:count).to_i, merge_requests.try(:last).to_i ) end def validate_collection! # ActiveRecord uses Object#extend for null relations. if !(issuable_collection.singleton_class < ActiveRecord::NullRelation) && issuable_collection.respond_to?(:limit_value) && issuable_collection.limit_value.nil? raise 'Collection must have a limit applied for preloading meta-data' end end def issuable_ids strong_memoize(:issuable_ids) do # map has to be used here since using pluck or select will # throw an error when ordering issuables by priority which inserts # a new order into the collection. # We cannot use reorder to not mess up the paginated collection. issuable_collection.map(&:id) end end def collection_type # Supports relations or paginated arrays issuable_collection.try(:model)&.name || issuable_collection.first&.model_name.to_s end def group_issuable_votes_count strong_memoize(:group_issuable_votes_count) do AwardEmoji.votes_for_collection(issuable_ids, collection_type) end end def grouped_issuable_notes_count strong_memoize(:grouped_issuable_notes_count) do ::Note.count_for_collection(issuable_ids, collection_type) end end def grouped_issuable_merge_requests_count strong_memoize(:grouped_issuable_merge_requests_count) do if collection_type == 'Issue' ::MergeRequestsClosingIssues.count_for_collection(issuable_ids, current_user) else [] end end end end end Gitlab::IssuableMetadata.prepend_mod_with('Gitlab::IssuableMetadata')