# frozen_string_literal: true module Gitlab class JsonCache attr_reader :backend, :namespace STRATEGY_KEY_COMPONENTS = { revision: Gitlab.revision, version: [Gitlab::VERSION, Rails.version] }.freeze def initialize(options = {}) @backend = options.fetch(:backend, Rails.cache) @namespace = options.fetch(:namespace, nil) @cache_key_strategy = options.fetch(:cache_key_strategy, :revision) end def active? if backend.respond_to?(:active?) backend.active? else true end end def cache_key(key) expanded_cache_key = [namespace, key, *strategy_key_component].compact expanded_cache_key.join(':').freeze end def strategy_key_component STRATEGY_KEY_COMPONENTS.fetch(@cache_key_strategy) end def expire(key) backend.delete(cache_key(key)) end def read(key, klass = nil) value = backend.read(cache_key(key)) value = parse_value(value, klass) unless value.nil? value end def write(key, value, options = nil) backend.write(cache_key(key), value.to_json, options) end def fetch(key, options = {}, &block) klass = options.delete(:as) value = read(key, klass) return value unless value.nil? value = yield write(key, value, options) value end private def parse_value(raw, klass) value = Gitlab::Json.parse(raw.to_s) case value when Hash then parse_entry(value, klass) when Array then parse_entries(value, klass) else value end rescue JSON::ParserError nil end def parse_entry(raw, klass) return unless valid_entry?(raw, klass) return klass.new(raw) unless klass.ancestors.include?(ActiveRecord::Base) # When the cached value is a persisted instance of ActiveRecord::Base in # some cases a relation can return an empty collection becauses scope.none! # is being applied on ActiveRecord::Associations::CollectionAssociation#scope # when the new_record? method incorrectly returns false. # # See https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/issues/9903#note_145329964 klass.allocate.init_with(encode_for(klass, raw)) end def encode_for(klass, raw) # We have models that leave out some fields from the JSON export for # security reasons, e.g. models that include the CacheMarkdownField. # The ActiveRecord::AttributeSet we build from raw does know about # these columns so we need manually set them. missing_attributes = (klass.columns.map(&:name) - raw.keys) missing_attributes.each { |column| raw[column] = nil } coder = {} klass.new(raw).encode_with(coder) coder["new_record"] = new_record?(raw, klass) coder end def new_record?(raw, klass) raw.fetch(klass.primary_key, nil).blank? end def valid_entry?(raw, klass) return false unless klass && raw.is_a?(Hash) (raw.keys - klass.attribute_names).empty? end def parse_entries(values, klass) values.filter_map { |value| parse_entry(value, klass) } end end end