# frozen_string_literal: true module Gitlab class LfsToken module LfsTokenHelper def user? actor.is_a?(User) end def actor_name user? ? actor.username : "lfs+deploy-key-#{actor.id}" end end include LfsTokenHelper DEFAULT_EXPIRE_TIME = 1800 attr_accessor :actor def initialize(actor) @actor = case actor when DeployKey, User actor when Key actor.user else raise 'Bad Actor' end end def token HMACToken.new(actor).token(DEFAULT_EXPIRE_TIME) end # When the token is an lfs one and the actor # is blocked or the password has been changed, # the token is no longer valid def token_valid?(token_to_check) HMACToken.new(actor).token_valid?(token_to_check) && valid_user? end def deploy_key_pushable?(project) actor.is_a?(DeployKey) && actor.can_push_to?(project) end def type user? ? :lfs_token : :lfs_deploy_token end def valid_user? return true unless user? !actor.blocked? && (!actor.allow_password_authentication? || !actor.password_expired?) end def authentication_payload(repository_http_path) { username: actor_name, lfs_token: token, repository_http_path: repository_http_path, expires_in: DEFAULT_EXPIRE_TIME } end def basic_encoding ActionController::HttpAuthentication::Basic.encode_credentials(actor_name, token) end private # rubocop:disable Lint/UselessAccessModifier class HMACToken include LfsTokenHelper def initialize(actor) @actor = actor end def token(expire_time) hmac_token = JSONWebToken::HMACToken.new(secret) hmac_token.expire_time = Time.now + expire_time hmac_token[:data] = { actor: actor_name } hmac_token.encoded end def token_valid?(token_to_check) decoded_token = JSONWebToken::HMACToken.decode(token_to_check, secret).first decoded_token.dig('data', 'actor') == actor_name rescue JWT::DecodeError false end private attr_reader :actor def secret salt + key end def salt case actor when DeployKey, Key actor.fingerprint.delete(':').first(16) when User # Take the last 16 characters as they're more unique than the first 16 actor.id.to_s + actor.encrypted_password.last(16) end end def key # Take 16 characters of attr_encrypted_db_key_base, as that's what the # cipher needs exactly Settings.attr_encrypted_db_key_base.first(16) end end end end