# frozen_string_literal: true # We're patching `ActiveSupport::Concern` in # config/initializers/0_as_concern.rb # # We want to patch `ActiveSupport::Concern` for two reasons: # 1. Allow defining class methods via: `class_methods` method # 2. Allow `prepended do; end` work like `included do; end` # If we don't need anything above, we don't need this patch nor the concern! # rubocop:disable Gitlab/ModuleWithInstanceVariables module Gitlab module Patch module Prependable class MultiplePrependedBlocks < StandardError def initialize super "Cannot define multiple 'prepended' blocks for a Concern" end end def prepend_features(base) return false if prepended?(base) # Rails 6.1 allows prepending of the modules, but it doesn't # work well when both modules extend ActiveSupport::Concern # https://github.com/rails/rails/pull/42067 # # Let's keep our own implementation, until the issue is fixed Module.instance_method(:prepend_features).bind_call(self, base) if const_defined?(:ClassMethods) klass_methods = const_get(:ClassMethods, false) base.singleton_class.prepend klass_methods base.instance_variable_set(:@_prepended_class_methods, klass_methods) end if instance_variable_defined?(:@_prepended_block) base.class_eval(&@_prepended_block) end true end def class_methods super class_methods_module = const_get(:ClassMethods, false) if instance_variable_defined?(:@_prepended_class_methods) class_methods_module.prepend @_prepended_class_methods end # Hack to resolve https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/issues/23932 extend class_methods_module if ENV['STATIC_VERIFICATION'] end def prepended(base = nil, &block) if base.nil? raise MultiplePrependedBlocks if instance_variable_defined?(:@_prepended_block) @_prepended_block = block else super end end def prepended?(base) index = base.ancestors.index(base) base.ancestors[0...index].index(self) end end end end