# frozen_string_literal: true module Gitlab class RepositorySizeErrorMessage include ActiveSupport::NumberHelper delegate :current_size, :limit, :exceeded_size, :additional_repo_storage_available?, to: :@checker # @param checker [RepositorySizeChecker] def initialize(checker) @checker = checker end def commit_error "Your changes could not be committed, #{base_message}" end def merge_error "This merge request cannot be merged, #{base_message}" end def push_error(change_size = 0) "Your push has been rejected, #{base_message(change_size)}. #{more_info_message}" end def new_changes_error if additional_repo_storage_available? "Your push to this repository has been rejected because it would exceed storage limits. Please contact your GitLab administrator for more information." else "Your push to this repository would cause it to exceed the size limit of #{formatted(limit)} so it has been rejected. #{more_info_message}" end end def more_info_message 'Please contact your GitLab administrator for more information.' end def above_size_limit_message "The size of this repository (#{formatted(current_size)}) exceeds the limit of #{formatted(limit)} by #{formatted(exceeded_size)}. You won't be able to push new code to this project. #{more_info_message}" end private def base_message(change_size = 0) "because this repository has exceeded its size limit of #{formatted(limit)} by #{formatted(exceeded_size(change_size))}" end def formatted(number) number_to_human_size(number, delimiter: ',', precision: 2) end end end