# frozen_string_literal: true module Gitlab module SidekiqDaemon class MemoryKiller < Daemon include ::Gitlab::Utils::StrongMemoize # Today 64-bit CPU support max 256T memory. It is big enough. MAX_MEMORY_KB = 256 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024 # RSS below `soft_limit_rss` is considered safe SOFT_LIMIT_RSS_KB = ENV.fetch('SIDEKIQ_MEMORY_KILLER_MAX_RSS', 2000000).to_i # RSS above `hard_limit_rss` will be stopped HARD_LIMIT_RSS_KB = ENV.fetch('SIDEKIQ_MEMORY_KILLER_HARD_LIMIT_RSS', MAX_MEMORY_KB).to_i # RSS in range (soft_limit_rss, hard_limit_rss) is allowed for GRACE_BALLOON_SECONDS GRACE_BALLOON_SECONDS = ENV.fetch('SIDEKIQ_MEMORY_KILLER_GRACE_TIME', 15 * 60).to_i # Check RSS every CHECK_INTERVAL_SECONDS, minimum 2 seconds CHECK_INTERVAL_SECONDS = [ENV.fetch('SIDEKIQ_MEMORY_KILLER_CHECK_INTERVAL', 3).to_i, 2].max # Give Sidekiq up to 30 seconds to allow existing jobs to finish after exceeding the limit SHUTDOWN_TIMEOUT_SECONDS = ENV.fetch('SIDEKIQ_MEMORY_KILLER_SHUTDOWN_WAIT', 30).to_i # Developer/admin should always set `memory_killer_max_memory_growth_kb` explicitly # In case not set, default to 300M. This is for extra-safe. DEFAULT_MAX_MEMORY_GROWTH_KB = 300_000 # Phases of memory killer PHASE = { running: 1, above_soft_limit: 2, stop_fetching_new_jobs: 3, shutting_down: 4, killing_sidekiq: 5 }.freeze def initialize super @enabled = true @metrics = init_metrics end private def init_metrics { sidekiq_current_rss: ::Gitlab::Metrics.gauge(:sidekiq_current_rss, 'Current RSS of Sidekiq Worker'), sidekiq_memory_killer_soft_limit_rss: ::Gitlab::Metrics.gauge(:sidekiq_memory_killer_soft_limit_rss, 'Current soft_limit_rss of Sidekiq Worker'), sidekiq_memory_killer_hard_limit_rss: ::Gitlab::Metrics.gauge(:sidekiq_memory_killer_hard_limit_rss, 'Current hard_limit_rss of Sidekiq Worker'), sidekiq_memory_killer_phase: ::Gitlab::Metrics.gauge(:sidekiq_memory_killer_phase, 'Current phase of Sidekiq Worker'), sidekiq_memory_killer_running_jobs: ::Gitlab::Metrics.counter(:sidekiq_memory_killer_running_jobs_total, 'Current running jobs when limit was reached') } end def refresh_state(phase) @phase = PHASE.fetch(phase) @current_rss = get_rss @soft_limit_rss = get_soft_limit_rss @hard_limit_rss = get_hard_limit_rss # track the current state as prometheus gauges @metrics[:sidekiq_memory_killer_phase].set({}, @phase) @metrics[:sidekiq_current_rss].set({}, @current_rss) @metrics[:sidekiq_memory_killer_soft_limit_rss].set({}, @soft_limit_rss) @metrics[:sidekiq_memory_killer_hard_limit_rss].set({}, @hard_limit_rss) end def run_thread Sidekiq.logger.info( class: self.class.to_s, action: 'start', pid: pid, message: 'Starting Gitlab::SidekiqDaemon::MemoryKiller Daemon' ) while enabled? begin sleep(CHECK_INTERVAL_SECONDS) restart_sidekiq unless rss_within_range? rescue StandardError => e log_exception(e, __method__) rescue Exception => e # rubocop:disable Lint/RescueException log_exception(e, __method__ ) raise e end end ensure Sidekiq.logger.warn( class: self.class.to_s, action: 'stop', pid: pid, message: 'Stopping Gitlab::SidekiqDaemon::MemoryKiller Daemon' ) end def log_exception(exception, method) Sidekiq.logger.warn( class: self.class.to_s, pid: pid, message: "Exception from #{method}: #{exception.message}" ) end def stop_working @enabled = false end def enabled? @enabled end def restart_sidekiq # Tell Sidekiq to stop fetching new jobs # We first SIGNAL and then wait given time # We also monitor a number of running jobs and allow to restart early refresh_state(:stop_fetching_new_jobs) signal_and_wait(SHUTDOWN_TIMEOUT_SECONDS, 'SIGTSTP', 'stop fetching new jobs') return unless enabled? # Tell sidekiq to restart itself # Keep extra safe to wait `Sidekiq.options[:timeout] + 2` seconds before SIGKILL refresh_state(:shutting_down) signal_and_wait(Sidekiq.options[:timeout] + 2, 'SIGTERM', 'gracefully shut down') return unless enabled? # Ideally we should never reach this condition # Wait for Sidekiq to shutdown gracefully, and kill it if it didn't # Kill the whole pgroup, so we can be sure no children are left behind refresh_state(:killing_sidekiq) signal_pgroup('SIGKILL', 'die') end def rss_within_range? refresh_state(:running) deadline = Gitlab::Metrics::System.monotonic_time + GRACE_BALLOON_SECONDS.seconds loop do return true unless enabled? # RSS go above hard limit should trigger forcible shutdown right away break if @current_rss > @hard_limit_rss # RSS go below the soft limit return true if @current_rss < @soft_limit_rss # RSS did not go below the soft limit within deadline, restart break if Gitlab::Metrics::System.monotonic_time > deadline sleep(CHECK_INTERVAL_SECONDS) refresh_state(:above_soft_limit) log_rss_out_of_range(false) end # There are two chances to break from loop: # - above hard limit, or # - above soft limit after deadline # When `above hard limit`, it immediately go to `stop_fetching_new_jobs` # So ignore `above hard limit` and always set `above_soft_limit` here refresh_state(:above_soft_limit) log_rss_out_of_range false end def log_rss_out_of_range(deadline_exceeded = true) reason = out_of_range_description(@current_rss, @hard_limit_rss, @soft_limit_rss, deadline_exceeded) running_jobs = fetch_running_jobs Sidekiq.logger.warn( class: self.class.to_s, pid: pid, message: 'Sidekiq worker RSS out of range', current_rss: @current_rss, soft_limit_rss: @soft_limit_rss, hard_limit_rss: @hard_limit_rss, reason: reason, running_jobs: running_jobs) increment_worker_counters(running_jobs, deadline_exceeded) end def increment_worker_counters(running_jobs, deadline_exceeded) running_jobs.each do |job| @metrics[:sidekiq_memory_killer_running_jobs].increment( { worker_class: job[:worker_class], deadline_exceeded: deadline_exceeded } ) end end def fetch_running_jobs jobs = [] Gitlab::SidekiqDaemon::Monitor.instance.jobs_mutex.synchronize do jobs = Gitlab::SidekiqDaemon::Monitor.instance.jobs.map do |jid, job| { jid: jid, worker_class: job[:worker_class].name } end end jobs end def out_of_range_description(rss, hard_limit, soft_limit, deadline_exceeded) if rss > hard_limit "current_rss(#{rss}) > hard_limit_rss(#{hard_limit})" elsif deadline_exceeded "current_rss(#{rss}) > soft_limit_rss(#{soft_limit}) longer than GRACE_BALLOON_SECONDS(#{GRACE_BALLOON_SECONDS})" else "current_rss(#{rss}) > soft_limit_rss(#{soft_limit})" end end def get_rss output, status = Gitlab::Popen.popen(%W(ps -o rss= -p #{pid}), Rails.root.to_s) return 0 unless status&.zero? output.to_i end def get_soft_limit_rss SOFT_LIMIT_RSS_KB + rss_increase_by_jobs end def get_hard_limit_rss HARD_LIMIT_RSS_KB end def signal_and_wait(time, signal, explanation) Sidekiq.logger.warn( class: self.class.to_s, pid: pid, signal: signal, explanation: explanation, wait_time: time, message: "Sending signal and waiting" ) Process.kill(signal, pid) deadline = Gitlab::Metrics::System.monotonic_time + time # we try to finish as early as all jobs finished # so we retest that in loop sleep(CHECK_INTERVAL_SECONDS) while enabled? && any_jobs? && Gitlab::Metrics::System.monotonic_time < deadline end def signal_pgroup(signal, explanation) if Process.getpgrp == pid pid_or_pgrp_str = 'PGRP' pid_to_signal = 0 else pid_or_pgrp_str = 'PID' pid_to_signal = pid end Sidekiq.logger.warn( class: self.class.to_s, signal: signal, pid: pid, message: "sending Sidekiq worker #{pid_or_pgrp_str}-#{pid} #{signal} (#{explanation})" ) Process.kill(signal, pid_to_signal) end def rss_increase_by_jobs Gitlab::SidekiqDaemon::Monitor.instance.jobs_mutex.synchronize do Gitlab::SidekiqDaemon::Monitor.instance.jobs.sum do |job| rss_increase_by_job(job) end end end def rss_increase_by_job(job) memory_growth_kb = get_job_options(job, 'memory_killer_memory_growth_kb', 0).to_i max_memory_growth_kb = get_job_options(job, 'memory_killer_max_memory_growth_kb', DEFAULT_MAX_MEMORY_GROWTH_KB).to_i return 0 if memory_growth_kb == 0 time_elapsed = [Gitlab::Metrics::System.monotonic_time - job[:started_at], 0].max [memory_growth_kb * time_elapsed, max_memory_growth_kb].min end def get_job_options(job, key, default) job[:worker_class].sidekiq_options.fetch(key, default) rescue StandardError default end def pid Process.pid end def any_jobs? Gitlab::SidekiqDaemon::Monitor.instance.jobs.any? end end end end