module Gitlab ## # Class that represents a simplified path to a file or directory # # This is IO-operations safe class, that does similar job to # Ruby's Pathname but without the risk of accessing filesystem. # # TODO, better support for '../' and './' # class StringPath attr_reader :path, :universe def initialize(path, universe) @path = prepare(path) @universe = { |entry| prepare(entry) }) @universe.add('./') end def to_s @path end def absolute? @path.start_with?('/') end def relative? !absolute? end def directory? @path.end_with?('/') end def file? !directory? end def has_parent? @universe.include?(@path.sub(basename, '')) end def parent return nil unless has_parent? new(@path.sub(basename, '')) end def basename directory? ? name + ::File::SEPARATOR : name end def name @path.split(::File::SEPARATOR).last end def has_descendants? descendants.any? end def descendants return [] unless directory? children = { |entry| entry =~ /^#{@path}.+/ } { |path| new(path) } end def children return [] unless directory? return @children if @children children = { |entry| entry =~ %r{^#{@path}[^/]+/?$} } @children = { |path| new(path) } end def directories return [] unless directory? end def directories! has_parent? ? directories.prepend(new(@path + '../')) : directories end def files return [] unless directory? end def ==(other) @path == other.path && @universe == other.universe end def inspect "#{}: #{@path}" end private def new(path), @universe) end def prepare(path) return path if path =~ %r{^(/|\.|\.\.)} path.dup.prepend('./') end end end