# frozen_string_literal: true module Gitlab class TreeSummary include ::Gitlab::Utils::StrongMemoize include ::MarkupHelper CACHE_EXPIRE_IN = 1.hour MAX_OFFSET = 2**31 attr_reader :commit, :project, :path, :offset, :limit, :user, :resolved_commits def initialize(commit, project, user, params = {}) @commit = commit @project = project @user = user @path = params.fetch(:path, nil).presence @offset = [params.fetch(:offset, 0).to_i, MAX_OFFSET].min @limit = (params.fetch(:limit, 25) || 25).to_i # Ensure that if multiple tree entries share the same last commit, they share # a ::Commit instance. This prevents us from rendering the same commit title # multiple times @resolved_commits = {} end # Creates a summary of the tree entries for a commit, within the window of # entries defined by the offset and limit parameters. This consists of two # return values: # # - An Array of Hashes containing the following keys: # - file_name: The full path of the tree entry # - commit: The last ::Commit to touch this entry in the tree # - commit_path: URI of the commit in the web interface # - commit_title_html: Rendered commit title def summarize commits_hsh = fetch_last_cached_commits_list prerender_commit_full_titles!(commits_hsh.values) commits_hsh.map do |path_key, commit| commit = cache_commit(commit) { file_name: File.basename(path_key).force_encoding(Encoding::UTF_8), commit: commit, commit_path: commit_path(commit), commit_title_html: markdown_field(commit, :full_title) } end end def fetch_logs logs = summarize [logs.first(limit).as_json, next_offset(logs.size)] end private def next_offset(entries_count) return if entries_count <= limit offset + limit end def repository project.repository end # Ensure the path is in "path/" format def ensured_path File.join(*[path, ""]) if path end def fetch_last_cached_commits_list cache_key = ['projects', project.id, 'last_commits', commit.id, ensured_path, offset, limit + 1] commits = Rails.cache.fetch(cache_key, expires_in: CACHE_EXPIRE_IN) do repository .list_last_commits_for_tree(commit.id, ensured_path, offset: offset, limit: limit + 1, literal_pathspec: true) .transform_values! { |commit| commit_to_hash(commit) } end commits.transform_values! { |value| Commit.from_hash(value, project) } end def cache_commit(commit) return unless commit.present? resolved_commits[commit.id] ||= commit end def commit_to_hash(commit) commit.to_hash.tap do |hash| hash[:message] = hash[:message].to_s.truncate_bytes(1.kilobyte, omission: '...') end end def commit_path(commit) Gitlab::Routing.url_helpers.project_commit_path(project, commit) end def prerender_commit_full_titles!(commits) # Preload commit authors as they are used in rendering commits.each(&:lazy_author) renderer = Banzai::ObjectRenderer.new(user: user, default_project: project) renderer.render(commits, :full_title) end end end Gitlab::TreeSummary.prepend_mod_with('Gitlab::TreeSummary')