# frozen_string_literal: true require 'net/http' require 'uri' module Gitlab module Webpack class Manifest # Raised if we can't read our webpack manifest for whatever reason class ManifestLoadError < StandardError def initialize(message, orig) super "#{message} (original error #{orig})" end end # Raised if webpack couldn't build one of your entry points class WebpackError < StandardError def initialize(errors) super "Error in webpack compile, details follow below:\n#{errors.join("\n\n")}" end end # Raised if a supplied entry point does not exist in the webpack manifest AssetMissingError = Class.new(StandardError) class << self include Gitlab::Utils::StrongMemoize def entrypoint_paths(source) raise WebpackError, manifest["errors"] unless manifest_bundled? dll_assets = manifest.fetch("dllAssets", []) entrypoint = manifest["entrypoints"][source] if entrypoint && entrypoint["assets"] # Can be either a string or an array of strings. # Do not include source maps as they are not javascript [dll_assets, entrypoint["assets"]].flatten.reject { |p| p =~ /.*\.map$/ }.map do |p| "/#{::Rails.configuration.webpack.public_path}/#{p}" end else raise AssetMissingError, "Can't find asset '#{source}' in webpack manifest" end end def asset_paths(source) raise WebpackError, manifest["errors"] unless manifest_bundled? paths = manifest["assetsByChunkName"][source] if paths # Can be either a string or an array of strings. # Do not include source maps as they are not javascript [paths].flatten.reject { |p| p =~ /.*\.map$/ }.map do |p| "/#{::Rails.configuration.webpack.public_path}/#{p}" end else raise AssetMissingError, "Can't find entry point '#{source}' in webpack manifest" end end def clear_manifest! clear_memoization(:manifest) end private def manifest_bundled? !manifest["errors"].any? { |error| error.include? "Module build failed" } end def manifest if ::Rails.configuration.webpack.dev_server.enabled # Don't cache if we're in dev server mode, manifest may change ... load_manifest else # ... otherwise cache at class level, as JSON loading/parsing can be expensive strong_memoize(:manifest) { load_manifest } end end def load_manifest data = if ::Rails.configuration.webpack.dev_server.enabled load_dev_server_manifest else load_static_manifest end Gitlab::Json.parse(data) end def load_dev_server_manifest host = ::Rails.configuration.webpack.dev_server.manifest_host port = ::Rails.configuration.webpack.dev_server.manifest_port uri = Addressable::URI.new(scheme: 'http', host: host, port: port, path: dev_server_path) # localhost could be blocked via Gitlab::HTTP response = HTTParty.get(uri.to_s, verify: false) # rubocop:disable Gitlab/HTTParty return response.body if response.code == 200 raise "HTTP error #{response.code}" rescue => e raise ManifestLoadError.new("Could not load manifest from webpack-dev-server at #{uri} - is it running, and is stats-webpack-plugin loaded?", e) end def load_static_manifest File.read(static_manifest_path) rescue => e raise ManifestLoadError.new("Could not load compiled manifest from #{static_manifest_path} - have you run `rake webpack:compile`?", e) end def static_manifest_path ::Rails.root.join( ::Rails.configuration.webpack.output_dir, ::Rails.configuration.webpack.manifest_filename ) end def dev_server_path "/#{::Rails.configuration.webpack.public_path}/#{::Rails.configuration.webpack.manifest_filename}" end end end end end