# frozen_string_literal: true class GitlabDanger LOCAL_RULES ||= %w[ changes_size documentation frozen_string duplicate_yarn_dependencies prettier eslint karma database commit_messages product_analytics utility_css pajamas ].freeze CI_ONLY_RULES ||= %w[ metadata changelog specs roulette ce_ee_vue_templates sidekiq_queues specialization_labels ].freeze MESSAGE_PREFIX = '==>'.freeze attr_reader :gitlab_danger_helper def initialize(gitlab_danger_helper) @gitlab_danger_helper = gitlab_danger_helper end def self.local_warning_message "#{MESSAGE_PREFIX} Only the following Danger rules can be run locally: #{LOCAL_RULES.join(', ')}" end def self.success_message "#{MESSAGE_PREFIX} No Danger rule violations!" end def rule_names ci? ? LOCAL_RULES | CI_ONLY_RULES : LOCAL_RULES end def html_link(str) self.ci? ? gitlab_danger_helper.html_link(str) : str end def ci? !gitlab_danger_helper.nil? end end