# frozen_string_literal: true module Grafana class Client Error = Class.new(StandardError) # @param api_url [String] Base URL of the Grafana instance # @param token [String] Admin-level API token for instance def initialize(api_url:, token:) @api_url = api_url @token = token end # @param uid [String] Unique identifier for a Grafana dashboard def get_dashboard(uid:) http_get("#{@api_url}/api/dashboards/uid/#{uid}") end # @param name [String] Unique identifier for a Grafana datasource def get_datasource(name:) # CGI#escape formats strings such that the Grafana endpoint # will not recognize the dashboard name. Prefer Addressable::URI#encode_component. http_get("#{@api_url}/api/datasources/name/#{Addressable::URI.encode_component(name)}") end # @param datasource_id [String] Grafana ID for the datasource # @param proxy_path [String] Path to proxy - ex) 'api/v1/query_range' def proxy_datasource(datasource_id:, proxy_path:, query: {}) http_get("#{@api_url}/api/datasources/proxy/#{datasource_id}/#{proxy_path}", query: query) end private def http_get(url, params = {}) response = handle_request_exceptions do Gitlab::HTTP.get(url, **request_params.merge(params)) end handle_response(response) end def request_params { headers: { 'Authorization' => "Bearer #{@token}", 'Accept' => 'application/json', 'Content-Type' => 'application/json' }, follow_redirects: false } end def handle_request_exceptions yield rescue Gitlab::HTTP::Error raise_error 'Error when connecting to Grafana' rescue Net::OpenTimeout raise_error 'Connection to Grafana timed out' rescue SocketError raise_error 'Received SocketError when trying to connect to Grafana' rescue OpenSSL::SSL::SSLError raise_error 'Grafana returned invalid SSL data' rescue Errno::ECONNREFUSED raise_error 'Connection refused' rescue => e raise_error "Grafana request failed due to #{e.class}" end def handle_response(response) return response if response.code == 200 raise_error "Grafana response status code: #{response.code}, Message: #{response.body}" end def raise_error(message) raise Client::Error, message end end end